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TRIGGER WARNING—This chapter contains mild to moderate violence.


The voice crackled through Detective Choi's radio, breaking through the silence that had settled over the car as it sped past the towering buildings of the city towards the outskirts of Seoul. Goosebumps crawled across Yoongi's skin, who was seated in the back of the car. Hoseok was in the passenger seat beside of Choi.

And despite Yoongi's best efforts to get him to stay behind, Namjoon was seated by his side in the back of the car, his eyes wide and hands shaking, clasped together in his lap.

Yoongi felt the knots in his stomach twist for what must have been the thousandth time that day. He swallowed and shifted his attention to focus on the detective.

Choi's lips were pressed into a firm line, knuckles white as he gripped the wheel.

"Hold out just a bit longer," Choi instructed. The engine revved as the car increased in speed. "We're almost there."

"Yes, sir."

The radio crackled for a second longer before the previous silence ensued. The buildings shrunk in size and were further spread apart. The sky had darkened and rain still fell from the sky, an occasional bolt of lightning flashing in the darkness, thunder rolling and echoing across the city.

Since the cell phone had pinged Nouri's location less than an hour before, things had moved at a lightning pace within the force. A team had been assembled, several already on the scene. With the information gathered from Hiro—who was already at the disclosed location—they had decided to use Ito's supposed fear of the dark to their advantage. They had been instructed to locate and switch off the power.

The idea was to have the lights switch off, and immediately have the force rush in while Ito was disoriented. If the information from Hiro was accurate, the abductor's horror would be extreme—so much so that it would hopefully buy them enough time to rush in before he could think twice.

But Yoongi, Hoseok, and the Detective were running behind.

Namjoon was the reason why.

The younger man breathed deeply, gaining Yoongi's attention once again. Yoongi's eyes were narrowed; he was still seething from the argument that had occurred minutes ago, when Namjoon had refused to stay behind.

Not only did Yoongi wish to keep his friend safe, but he also knew that the three officer had lost many valuable moments during their dispute with him. Even Hoseok had gotten fired up, raising his voice as he pleaded with Namjoon, begging him to cooperate and wait at the station.

"You didn't want me to sit out of this before, so no. I'm not backing out. Not now. We can either waste more time by arguing about this, or we can leave now and save her. Save them."

Those were Namjoon's exact words. Yoongi mulled over them again, biting the inside of his cheek.

He was pissed. But he also knew that Namjoon was right.


As if he could read Yoongi's mind, Namjoon spoke, breaking the silence.

"What?" Yoongi asked, trying to keep the venom out of his tone.

Namjoon must have still picked up on it. He lowered his head, staring down at his trembling hands.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "You lost time because of me. I was being stupid, I know I shouldn't have argued and—"

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