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"THIS IS the dumbest idea you've ever had, and I want no part in it. At all."

Namjoon crossed his arms, clearly peeved as he glared straight at Yoongi. He tapped his foot against the tiled floor, eyes not once wavering from the face of his friend. Although, in the moment, he was beginning to question their friendship.

On his way out of the coffee shop - where he was disappointed to find that Nouri was not working that morning - Namjoon had received a call from Yoongi. All he had said was, "Get down to the station. Urgent," before hanging up.

Turns out, after making Namjoon rush there as if his life depended on it, that Yoongi just wanted to try and convince Namjoon to agree with his and Hoseok's plan.

"What exactly is so dumb about it?" Yoongi asked casually. "There wouldn't be a reward out for information if the help wasn't wanted. Besides, you didn't seem this passionately against the idea of helping us out when we talked about it last night."

"That's because Nouri was in the car, and I didn't want her to see me yell at you," Namjoon explained, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes.

"I'm serious!" Namjoon snapped. "I thought it was a terrible idea the first moment you brought it up, and I still think it is now. I can't believe you'd even think of getting Nouri involved in this."

Namjoon was telling the truth - he had practically been fuming upon hearing Yoongi suggest the idea to himself and to Nouri. It wasn't something that even needed to be discussed, in his opinion. It was dangerous. Much too dangerous.

"You normally are much more calm and collected about these things," Yoongi pointed out. "What happened to the old Namjoon? The one that would say stuff like, 'Yoongi, maybe just think this over a bit more,' or, 'I'm not sure if that's the best idea. Let's reevaluate.' I miss those days."

This time it was Namjoon who rolled his eyes. "You know why it's different this time."

Yoongi simply raised his brow, feigning ignorance.

Namjoon sighed in agitation. "Yoongi! You know how I feel about -"

"Yoongi?" Namjoon's voice went silent at the sound of that voice. He gulped, turning around and nearly choking on his own saliva as he saw Nouri standing right behind him. He was close to passing out simply thinking about what would have happened if he had finished that sentence, with Nouri standing so close behind ready to hear.

"Oh, Namjoon!" She said with a smile as she walked up to them. "I didn't know you were going to be here."

He laughed nervously, running his hand through his hair swiftly. Yoongi smiled at Nouri. "Glad you came, Nouri. Namjoon is here because I called him in."

Namjoon glared at his friend, wanting to blurt out how Yoongi had lured him there under the impression that there had been an emergency when, in reality, he just wanted Namjoon to agree to help with this awful plan. He decided to keep that information to himself for the time being, and settled for gritting his teeth and forcing a smile.

"Why are you here, Nouri?" Namjoon asked.

She smiled again. "Well, I've decided to give this whole thing a shot. I'm going to help out."

Namjoon's eyes grew wide.

So Yoongi was right. This was an emergency.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Namjoon couldn't believe that she had decided to take part in this. He thought that she seemed to be pretty against it when she left the car the night before, yet here she was. Perhaps he had judged her emotions poorly.

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