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NAMJOON DIDN'T consider himself to be a very grumpy guy, but when he was awoken in his own bed by having a house slipper hurled at his face, the resentment he felt was only natural.

He sat up groggily, shoving the slipper off of his bed in annoyance. When he looked up and saw Yoongi standing in the doorway of his bedroom, his scowl only grew.

"What is with you? I was sleeping!"

Yoongi crossed his arms and leaned casually against the door frame, quirking a brow. "It's almost noon. You never sleep this long—not even on a Saturday. Tell me what's wrong."

"What's wrong is that I gave you a key to my apartment even though you have your own place, and I let you sleep on my couch whenever with no questions asked, I let you eat my food, use my stuff, and what do you do? You throw my slipper at me. And not just any slipper—the pink rabbit slipper that Nouri picked out for me—"

His voice faltered, and he felt an immense wave of guilt surge through him at that moment, because his frustration wasn't really towards his hyung, and he knew that. He turned his apologetic eyes towards Yoongi, who looked a bit shocked at his friend's sudden and uncharacteristic outburst.

"I'm sorry hyung, I didn't mean to—"

Yoongi held up a hand, silencing Namjoon's explanation. "Get dressed then come out to the living room. I've got coffee ready. Then we'll talk."

Namjoon nodded as Yoongi left the room to allow him time to get dressed. He ran his hands over his face and took a glance in the mirror, seeing his tousled hair and puffy face staring back at him. Frowning, he threw on an old sweatshirt and a pair of jeans before going out to face his friend.

A cup of steaming coffee sat waiting for him on the end table beside the sofa when he walked out of his room. Yoongi sat with his own mug scrolling through his phone when he caught sight of his younger friend.

"There's Mr. Sunshine." The elder's voice oozed sarcasm. Namjoon laughed halfheartedly as he grabbed the coffee and sat beside his friend.

"I'm sorry again for going off like that."

Yoongi shrugged. "I deserved at least half of what you said to me, I guess."

There was silence; Yoongi's eyes remained on his younger friend, waiting patiently for an explanation.

Namjoon deflected. "So, how're things going with the case?"

Sighing, Yoongi took a sip of coffee. "Well, we had to let go of our suspect. We don't have enough grounds to hold him, especially with the new—" he caught himself. "Hey. You know I can't talk about this stuff."

"Not even after all my help?"

"Yeah. You and Nouri really did help a lot, but that doesn't change the rules."

"Well, when will we get to find out?"

"If you get a nice check from law enforcement, you'll know that your info helped. A lot. Thats about all I can say."

Knowing he wouldn't be getting anything else aside from that, Namjoon nodded and brought his mug to his lips. He took a drink before his hyung coughed beside him staring him down with a serious gaze.

"What?" Namjoon asked.

"You think you're gonna get away without telling me what's got you in such a pissy mood?"

He had almost gotten away.

"I'm not in a 'pissy mood,'" He said quickly, shifting uncomfortably in his spot on the couch. "I just don't like being woken up by a slipper hitting me in the face."

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