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IN THE MIDST of so much fire and heat, Namjoon's vision was clouded by darkness. His chest ached, each inhale a struggle as smoke polluted his lungs, each exhale accompanied by a cough. The smoke burned his watering eyes as he struggled to keep his hold on Seokjin.

"Don't worry," the other man rasped, still holding tightly to Seokjin's torso, making sure his head didn't roll around too much. "They saw the ceiling collapse—they'll come get us out of here."

Namjoon didn't have the energy to reply and only nodded weakly, taking in another staggering breath. He wanted to believe his companion, but a part of him couldn't help but panic.

Stay calm, Namjoon.

Before the building collapsed, closing the three young men off from their exit, Namjoon's stinging eyes had met with Nouri's for the briefest of moments. The sheer panic in them was undeniable. He wondered if she was still standing there now, the same terror frozen in her gaze. The thought made his stomach churn.

He had to get out. She needed to know that he was okay.

Namjoon glanced at the stranger, who was much shorter than he was. After a quick look from head to toe, it was easy to deduce that Namjoon held more strength, which was saying something; it had been a while since he had visited the gym.

The gears in his brain began to turn. It seemed like a waste of time to simply wait and hope for someone to help them get out—a waste of time they did not necessarily have. They would need to start getting out on their own.

"Here," Namjoon choked out, his throat dry and raw. He struggled to his feet. "Can you help get him on my back? I can carry him, then we can start trying to clear a path."

"Are you sure? Maybe we should just wait—"

"I don't think we have time," Namjoon said quickly. "Please, just trust me?"

Namjoon probably wouldn't have trusted himself if he were in the other man's shoes—the uncertainty in his voice, the quiver in his legs, the fear in his eyes. But he knew they didn't have time to wait.


Soon enough, the arms of Seokjin—who remained unconscious—were forced around Namjoon's neck. Namjoon held tightly to his legs, leaning forward so that he didn't roll off his back. Seokjin was a bit taller than Namjoon, and though the weight wasn't easy, it wasn't too much to bear at first.

"We need to start clearing away as much debris as possible from the doorway," Namjoon instructed. "See how there are some parts that aren't on fire? Start with those. I'll help as much as I can."

The two began kicking away at the debris, the stranger using his hands as well, when possible. Slowly they started to make a dent in the blockade. Although it didn't seem like much, the fact that they were actively working towards getting out helped to calm Namjoon's nerves.

It didn't take long for Seokjin's weight to set in. Namjoon's knees shook from the burden, and he breathed heavily, trying not to collapse.

"Please," he whispered, lungs full of thick smoke, eyes burning even more as he weakly kicked at a piece of burning building debris. "Please, please, please, please—"

"Stand back!" A muffled voice bellowed from behind the burning wall. "Stand clear of the entrance!"

"Come on, quick!" The man ran towards Namjoon, pulling him and Seokjin as far from the entrance as possible. More shouts from outside the building, and then the yelling was no longer muffled. Light pierced inside, momentarily blinding Namjoon.

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