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THE PREVIOUS EVENING'S events were still fresh in the minds of Nouri, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi as they walked out of the police station together the next day. The station itself was hectic – search parties were being organized, witnesses being interviewed, detectives were running search after search through their databases in attempt to locate any possible suspects.

And, of course, Yoongi was yelling at Namjoon.

"I still can't believe you did the one thing I told you not to do," Yoongi fumed. "Would it really have been that difficult to have just left the coin there? Like I told you to?"

"Would you let that go already?" Namjoon mumbled in embarrassment, rubbing the nape of his neck. "Besides, the detective didn't even get upset about it, because apparently it's 'not solid evidence and proves absolutely nothing,'" he quoted.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "It's the principal of the matter, Namjoon. Also, Choi doesn't know what he's talking about. The coins, combined with these that we found at the location of the second abduction – " he pulled a package out of his coat pocket, which was an empty bag of Mitsuya Cider candies " – are at least enough of a coincidence for us to assume he's a foreigner. Japanese, to be specific."

"I thought you weren't supposed to touch the evidence," Namjoon said, slight resentment still present in his tone. He received a slap to the back of his head from Yoongi that made Nouri wince.

She leaned forward to look at the packaging, eyes narrowed. "So these are Japanese candies?"

"Yeah, and they're really good!" Hoseok chirped beside her. "The soda flavored one is my favorite."

"Wait, Hoseok you eat these?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, and I know the only place nearby where you can buy them," Hoseok said, crossing his arms. "You were just too busy yelling at Namjoon to hear me when I told you that earlier."

Yoongi blushed, immediately giving a glare to his younger friend. "Shut up, Namjoon."

"What – I didn't even say anything!"

"Don't start again, please," Hoseok said. Nouri agreed with him, pleading with her eyes as the other two slumped their shoulders like puppies who had just been scolded. "Maybe we should all head over the the market where I buy the candies?"

"What exactly do you think we'll do when we get there, Hoseok?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok pouted. "Do you always have to be so snippity?"

Yoongi's only response was a blank stare. Hoseok sniffed.

"Anyways, I figured we could just scope out the area. It's a Japanese market, so the customers there consist primarily of foreigners," he explained. "It's not really busy, so I don't know. Maybe we could just observe the area, see if we find anything suspicious, get a few appearances down and ask witnesses if they saw someone similar in the area of the crimes."

"It's kind of far fetched, but I guess we've got to start somewhere," Yoongi said. "Alright, let's go for it. First I need to go change clothes. Namjoon will ride with me – you two meet us at the location. Hoseok, text the address to me so I can make it there."

"Wait, but how are you going to get to your apartment to change?" Hoseok asked. "I'm taking my car."

"I'll just use our car."

"Our patrol car? But, we're off duty."

"It's just a dumb traffic patrol car, Hoseok. They won't even notice it's gone with all of this mess going on. If Choi or anyone else has a problem with it, they can kiss my –"

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