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"YOU STARTED to choke on your coffee?"

From his cozy spot, nestled into the corner of the sofa, Yoongi peered over at the pacing Namjoon through his red-brown bangs as he asked this.

"Well, yes," Namjoon said, running his hand through his hair. "I did that on purpose, though. At first anyways."

Yoongi raised a brow. "You purposely choked on a beverage and made a fool out of yourself in front of the girl you like?"

"When you say it like that it sounds worse than it was," Namjoon mumbled lowly.

"How could that situation possibly sound any better?"

"Shut up, Yoongi."

"Hey, that's Yoongi-hyung to you. Respect your elders."

Namjoon sighed heavily, collapsing onto the sofa beside of his best friend. "I pretended to choke at first because I wanted to get her attention. But after she came over to me I. . . guess that I got flustered and started to actually - you know. Choke."

There was a moment of quiet between the two before Yoongi burst into hysteric laughter.

Namjoon's jaw tightened in irritation. He glared over at Yoongi. "Why are you at my house anyways?"

"Because my idiot roommate won't stop inviting his friends over so it's always loud," Yoongi answered after calming down, dramatically brushing fake tears of laughter from his cheeks. "I can't focus enough to get any work done."

"Then why aren't you working now? All you've done since you got here was watch TV and eat all of my food."

"Yeah, and I've listened to you complain about your woman problems," Yoongi added with an eye roll. "Nobody should have to go through that. Speaking of which, don't you have to be at the bus stop in half an hour?"

Namjoon's eyes darted towards the clock. Realizing that Yoongi was correct, Namjoon quickly got up from the couch and dashed into the bedroom, grabbing his jacket and sliding on his shoes.

"I look okay, don't I?" He asked with one hand on the open door.

Yoongi glanced over with little to no concern showing in his expression. He shrugged. "You always look the same."

Sighing again, Namjoon bid his friend a goodbye and left in a rush. The twenty minute walk from his house to the bus stop where he'd be meeting the group heading out to the arboretum - although the rest of the group mattered little to him, as he'd be seeing Nouri - gave him plenty of time to think.

It had become a habit of his to let his mind wander back to Nouri whenever he had time. Whether this habit was a good one or a bad one, he wasn't sure of.

It could be considered good for the following reasons: a smile would usually blossom across his pink tinted lips, causing two dimples to crease on both sides of his face, giving him a more pleasant aura overall.

However, one could also consider it a bad thing because as soon as he allowed his mind to drift over to the fact that his crush was quite obviously one-sided, the smile would disappear rather quickly to be replaced with a look of gloominess, dimmer than it was before the smile had temporarily graced his features.

Maybe it was a foolish thing to do, to think so often about a girl he knew so little about. He couldn't help it though. He didn't really believe in love at first sight, but he did believe in natural intuition and attraction.

Nouri must have caught his eye for a reason, right?

Thoughts such as this occupied him during the trip to the bus stop. Upon arriving at the arranged meeting place, he realized that he was the first one there. He leaned casually against the bus stop, a slight frown on his face as he pulled out his phone to pass the time.

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