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TOO MANY different emotions had passed through Nouri's feelings that day - so many that she wasn't able to keep up. From the excitement of getting to see Seokjin that had lasted throughout the morning, to the awkward yet enjoyable lightness when greeting her new friend Namjoon, and ultimately the disappointment and heaviness she felt when finding out that Seokjin had a girlfriend.

The latter feeling had essentially stuck with her throughout most of the evening.

Although each emotion and tug of her heart that had occurred during the events of her day was strong and deeply felt, she could confidently say that none of them - not even the sadness felt when she was faced with the reality of Seokjin's relationship status - were anything in comparison to the immense fear that seemed to swallow her whole as she laid there, motionless and silent beneath Namjoon's protective body.

It was difficult for her to see much, as her vision was blocked mostly by Namjoon's chest covering her eyes. Yet even all of his layers of clothing wasn't enough to keep the blinding light from seeping into her vision. Everything looked and felt unreal for a moment as the bus was eerily silent, with the unusual luminescence highlighting the edges and curves of each person in the vehicle in a glow that almost seemed heavenly.

The sudden and abrupt sound of another gunshot followed by a piercing scream brought back the realization that there was nothing heavenly happening at all - not in the slightest.

There was another moment of the blinding light - so intense, nobody could see or move or do anything but tremble in terror.

Then, just like that, it was dark again. This sudden blackness was deep and took a moment for anyone to adjust to, as it was a stark contrast to the brightness present only seconds ago.

Nouri was still in shock. Being woken so abruptly from her sleep only to be slammed onto the floor and to hear such terrifying events unfold around her was enough to lull her brain into a state of sloth. She could only focus on the sound and feeling of Namjoon's breathing. Each inhale and exhale caused a rise and fall of his chest against her face. One hand clutched tightly at the fabric of his shirt, while the other was uncomfortably pinned to the floor beneath one of his arms.

Laying there, motionless and afraid, Nouri felt her mind begin to shut itself down partly. Everything began to feel hazy and almost unreal. Her body seemed to be unusually light, as if she would soon float away. Namjoon's weight atop her felt less and less pressing as she tried to force herself to process the information around her, but it was a vain attempt.

"There's blood!"

Hearing somebody yell these words from the front of the bus was too much for Nouri's fogged brain. Her chest grew tight, and she felt the sudden and immense need to get out. She need to go away.

She wanted to run.

Namjoon felt Nouri stir beneath him as the front of the bus went into an uproar. There had been one person saying that whoever had shot at their bus was gone, and from there, chaos erupted. One of the young men was yelling over and over, "Mira! Where's Mira?"

His attention was grabbed once again by Nouri as her breathing began to sound labored, as if each breath were a struggle.

Then it occurred to him that she probably was having a difficult time breathing - he was still on top of her.

He quickly scrambled off - his body having the audacity to blush so furiously at a completely inconvenient time - then he held Nouri by the shoulders, gently pulling her up.

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