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NAMJOON'S HOME in Ilsan looked to be something straight out of a lifestyle magazine. Illuminated only by the few streetlights lining the road, the house of red brick stood two stories high against a black sky speckled with stars. Perfectly trimmed trees and hedges lined the walkway, a few stray leaves scattered on the pavement.

Nouri stood still as she watched Namjoon make his way to the door. Her backpack hung from one shoulder, and she gripped the strap tightly as nerves began to settle in.

"Namjoon," she said, causing him to pause and turn around. "Do your parents know that I'm coming?"

He nodded. "Yeah, they know I'm bringing a friend. Why?"

She shifted her weight, eyeing him with hesitation. "Nothing, just—I'm still a little nervous, I guess."

"It's gonna be fine, Nouri," he assured. "Try and relax this weekend. You need it."

She watched him lift up the welcome mat in front of the door and grab a key. After watching him struggle with the lock for a minute, he pushed the door open and urged Nouri to walk in first.

Her eyes were met with a dimly lit entryway, a staircase right in front of the door beside a pile of slippers and shoes on a small shelf. From where she stood, not much of the interior was visible, but she could see a hallway that led to a bright area she assumed to be the living room.

"Eomma," Namjoon called as he stepped in behind Nouri, closing the door on his way. "Abba, Kyungmin! I'm home!"

"Namjoon-ah, is that you?" Someone called from a far room. The sound of pots or pans clashing together rang through the halls, and the scent of something sweet and chocolaty wafted through the home. "I'm in the kitchen, come here! Kyungmin, come downstairs, your brother is here!"

The two of them slid off their shoes, Namjoon grabbing a pair of light blue slippers with red crabs printed on them and putting them on. Nouri couldn't help but smile a bit as she set her shoes neatly on the shelf.

"You can leave your bag on the bottom step," Namjoon said as he set his own suitcase down. "We'll carry them up in a minute."

After doing so, she hesitantly walked behind Namjoon, keeping close to him, allowing his slightly taller frame hide hers as best she could. It didn't really work well as she was only an inch or so shorter than him, but she couldn't help but try. Her nerves had clawed their way through her chest, up into her throat, spreading across her face in a flush of color. She didn't know why the thought of meeting Namjoon's family was so intimidating to her.

They tread through the hallway, through a large, open living room with a sectional sofa and a couple of reclining chairs, a television setting on a stand, a bookcase in the corner. A diffuser was on, but Nouri couldn't pick out which oil was in it due to the delicious, yet overwhelming smell of something baking.

The living room had a large entry way that opened right up into the kitchen and dining room. The yellow light reflected off of the wood floors, a candle burned on the counter, and leaning down in front of the oven, pressing a button rather aggressively, was a small woman with salt and pepper hair tied back behind her head, a red apron tied around her waist.

"Eomma," Namjoon said, a bright smile pulling at the corners of his lips, dimples creasing.

The woman—Namjoon's mother—quickly stood and turned, a dimpled smile of her own beaming across her face.

"Ah, there's my son!" She rushed forward and gave him a quick hug, quickly pulling away and cupping his face in her hands. "How was your trip? Did everything go smoothly? Did you have a chance to eat dinner?"

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