Chapter 20 ~ Courtesy

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Chapter 20 ~ Courtesy

* Amelia's POV ue

I rubbed my temples and then my eyes wanting the fatigue to evaporate. It was times like this I would wish for eternal immortality, I wouldn't have to bother about closing my eyes again. We walked out of the hundredth or so hotel with no luck at all. We had been doing this for days, I admit it wasn't completely hopeless. There had been sightings of who we described, for humans it isn't that hard to remember vampires because they are so beautiful.

They checked in and out too quickly, it seemed like they were only staying at places for a couple of hours. Also we soon realised the twins had been split up. It made sense if they were, they would become even harder to find. Sometimes, upon recognising a twin, some people swore to see a man or woman that we hadn't know. So thanks to Jasper we scored fake IDs and was able to look at the CCTV. The twins had been in some of the hotels we had been in and we were right, they were separated and it did make things a lot harder. The family didn't have as much luck as us, they had scorned through America and even tried some of Europe but there was no hope yet.

The closest we had gotten was when we spotted Narissa escape a hotel with none other than Macy and Ash. We ran after them, but only at a human speed due to obvious reasons, she went to a secluded area and they disappeared. It was especially had to guess what they were doing, did they actually have a plan?

"Do you think they know what they are doing?" I asked Max as we lumbered down the street. He shrugged. He seemed to get less and less angry as the days pass, which I figured a good thing because I had no energy left in me to argue with him.

"They might. I mean, it is Aro, you know how he has everything planned out?" There wasn't any hope in his sentence, he assumed that I didn't remember even though he spoke like I did.

I stopped for a second, feeling a bit dumb. Max continued to walk but as soon as he realised I wasn't trailing him he turned around and cocked an eyebrow. "I have Aro's every thought..." I trailed. Max's eyes widened and he stepped over. I closed my eyes to concentrate, I stepped to the side so I didn't obstruct anyone on the sidewalk.

I scanned through the last couple of months of Aro's thoughts. I frowned when I realised there was nothing. The decision was spontaneous, otherwise Alice would've seen something, right? He and Narissa must've been thinking the same thing for everything to go swiftly.

"There's nothing. He didn't plan anything," I mumbled. I continued to traipse along the sidewalk, Max was trailing behind for once, in my opinion I think he looks more tired than I feel. Lethargy sagged our shoulders, so we seemed to shrink with every step. We had nothing much but the clothes on our back and we have been awake for over 72 hours, but we continued to walk. I appreciated, even with the silence we both shared we had a mutual understanding of our mission. I was just afraid that after the twins are home, our connection would falter.

We got to a nearby picnic area, Max pulled out his phone and dialled for his Mother, I waited patiently. Max gave me a look and paused. I knew he was being careful about his every action, I wanted him to relax and move around freely, he didn't have to put additional stress on his body. "Do you want to talk to?"

I was taken aback, it had been the first time he had asked me to join in with the phone calls. I nodded vigorously, I had too many pathetic little emotions in my system to speak. He lowered the phone from his ear and put it on loud speaker. We heard the rings, after two Rosalie picked up.

"Hello Max," she greeted.

"Hey Mom."

"Hi," I squeaked.

"Amelia?" I can tell with her tone of voice she wanted to say more but she stayed quiet.

"I'm here?" I assured.

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