Chapter 24 ~ Unveil

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Chapter 24 ~ Unveil

* Amelia's POV *

We trudged through the abyss of trees, I called it an abyss because I couldn't see where I was going exactly and neither did I know if there was an end. The scent of Ash wafted over everything, it included Narissa's, Nolan's, Aro's, another person's but not the twins. Of course not.

We didn't look for a scent for them, we looked for a clue. Anything that resembled a trail of where they were going or just something to prove they were here at some recent point.

We hopped over a pile of rocks, I realised that they were ubiquitous and had I had a snapshot of the twins minds' on a hike it probably wouldn't lead me anywhere to them. I quickly scanned the trees and the ground for anything unordinary but everything I saw was a part of nature. I wondered how everything lead to this and why. Well I knew why, but why?

Max soon halted to a stop sooner than I did, so my face hit his back before I registered it. I could almost feel him roll his eyes. As I opened my mouth to shoot something at him, his hand shot up and silenced me. He moved forward and bent down. It was a little car but it wasn't any kind of little car, it was an Audi and it had blood on it.

I crouched beside Max. I had seen the car by my grave and it wasn't until now I realised that it belonged to Elijah. I thought for a moment and decided that this was no coincidence. I looked around to see if there was anything else, my beady eyes followed little ants as they hiked over the dishevelled ground and into little holes or the trees. Next to some large grass and broken, greyish rock at least a metre left of the wandering ants I saw strands - maybe it was some string or hair. I crept forward now feeling conscious of the ants and attempted to pick it up. I failed the first two times, luckily the sweat on my hand caused it to stick. I lifted it up and examined it.

I was no scientist and maybe I did need a microscope to help me out a little bit but the hair did look remarkably like mine. I didn't even have to think about humans, the strength of Macy's hair differentiated itself. I looked for more strands and I found two more. I stood back up, I saw Max doing the same and looking at the car that was in his hand.

I couldn't even guess what he was thinking. Maybe it was a memory or just a general dark thought, you'd just know it's unpleasant by watching those unsteady eyes of his. Broken but cloudy. "It's almost like we're being helped."

"It's either a clue or a trick," he responded. He eyed the pieces of hair twined in my fingers.

"It's hair, meaning this is pretty recent." I took out tissue from one of my inside pockets and placed the hair inside. "We better get going it might be close." He nodded and placed the car into his pocket. I lead the way before I stopped and realised that the unknown person's and Ash's paths split. Which one do we follow? I assumed that Ash was the person that stayed with Macy mostly, Nolan would stay with Elijah unless he was posing an ambush.

Instinctively, I followed Ash's. "What's the significance of an Audi?" I asked randomly. I was about to push a tree branch out of my way but he slid past me and beat me to it. I nodded appreciatively, he kept on his usual stoic expression.

"It was your favourite kind of car."

"Oh... did I have one?"

"You did and you loved it. You wouldn't let me drive you anywhere or even use my car."

I chuckled, it sounded like me. I wanted to remember it. "And did you let me?"

"Every single time." I looked at his face, there was a lopsided grin and it only made me smile wider, a swift feeling of elation coursed through my body.

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