Sneak peek (1)

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Hey guys, miss me? I missed you guys tons xx

Anyways before you guys think "OMG MY GOSH SHE POSTED THE FIRST CHAPTER!!!" I haven't... this is a sneak peek between the epilogue of Starcrossed and first chapter of Midlight.

* Eli's POV *

"Eli, Eli! Look what I drew!" Macy chanted as she ran towards me. I turned towards her, drifting my eyes away from the TV screen.

She placed a paper in my hand and I examined it. There was she and I with the addition of Father and a woman I only vaguely knew. Reminding me about my earlier discovery.

I grabbed my sister's hand and pulled her out the room. "Where are we going?" She asked curiously.

I shushed her. "C'mon don't be so loud! I found something special!"

I tugged her towards our Father's room, disregarding the fact we were prohibited from entry unless given permission. Macy closed the door behind us and I tipped toed into the closet, pulling a box from underneath the clothes. "Is that...?" Macy trailed. I nodded, shuffling to the side to give space.

I looked at various photos, not understanding the strong bond of love but knowing it was special. Macy picked up a scrapbook. She opened it and saw the picture of Mom and Dad attending a wedding followed by baseball pictures.

It then hit me, as it did several times over the years. Were we - Macy and I - ever to see our father even smile at us?

My throat grew sore and I felt extremely poignant. One of Macy's tears fell on the pages, her shoulders shook as she sobbed silently. In a warm gesture, I brought her in for a hug knowing I had to be strong for her even if it does hurt.

I noticed a little box, letting go of Macy, I reached for it. Blowing over the glistening dust particles and opened it. The contents were nothing I expected; instead there were keyrings. Two broken half hearts, which could come together to make a full, fixed one.

"Aww..." Macy whispered sadly, the pernicious dust causing her to cough.

"What are you doing here?"

In sync, we jumped, our fear fresh in the air.

I looked towards Dad, ignoring the darkness shrouding his eyes. "Why did Momma die?" I asked boldly.

He tensed. I held my breath, Macy gripping on my t-shirt shaking slightly. "There were complications. Now go, your Aunt Ness requires your presence."

I remained stiff as Dad's splintering words attacked us. The calm in his voice unable to hide the anger.

We returned the items and exited the room, not daring to glance back at him.


That's probably not that well written... >...< I hoped you liked it even if it was sad... :\

I might do another sneak peek into their lives in a couple months, I'm open to ideas too :)

The first chapter of Midlight will still be posted in September hopefully, I've had people ask if I could bring it up to June/July I have exams between next monday (20th May) til July. So sorry guys!

I miss my author's notes! But I'm not going to make this Author's note longer than the sneak peek.


P.S. People have got half the guesses from the prologue

Ciao ~ Ami xD

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