Blood Vessel

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Yikes, I never thought I would ever come back to this mistake of a book. I had the worst day of my life, so I felt like I should share. The most embarrassing thing is the obnoxious people in my school. I'm so tired of boys.

Someone pushed past me while dabbing and stepping on my shoe. Then, he was talking to his friends about hating white people. Like, I hate myself, too. You're not special.

In PE, you will always have guys "cheering" and yelling at you while you're running. I yelled something at them, but my lungs are the absolute weakest when running so it came out like, "hUUUHHHH RUN OOOOOHH"  translation: YOU SHOULD RUN TOO. MY VOICE WAS DEEP TOO AND I SAID IT LOUD I WANT TO DIE ERIUGBIEABGJ. I'M TIRED OF THIS SCHOOL WITH THESE STUPID ASS BITCHE SOUGBREB

anyways. I needed to take my clothes home to clean (I did clean them, thanks for the concern). Every time I wanted to clean my clothes, I always forgot a bag, so I asked my old gym teacher if she had one. When she told me where they were, I immediately stood and turned in order to run and get a bag. (keep in mind this is before the class started, so we are still in the locker room) I'm not as clumsy as I used to be, so I was surprised when I crashed into another girl. My eye hit her shoulder. her  s h o u l d e r. Just knock me out with a boulder why don't you? Luckily, she was kind enough to ask if I was okay while I was laughing. Laughing in embarrassing moments is my specialty. I need to let people now that it's okay. even though it isn't half the time. ANYWAYS. I GOT THE BAG. When I returned, my friends told me that my eye was red. I didn't want to look high or anything, so I rushed to the bathroom. As I looked at the left side of my face, I saw.

I burst a blood vessel in my eye. It was one of the most painful things I've ever been through, but you know. That's life for the unfortunate, I guess.

I'm sorry if you actually read that-

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