Skinny Love

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Chapter 6:

This chapter is based off the song Skinny Love by Birdy

This chapter has some sensitive content (cutting/depression) viewer discretion is advised

10:10 pm
We spent the day at the Roadhouse because it turns out Dean works there and had to work, and I didn't want Dean going home after he explained what had happened before we met up. So I let him stay at my house. 

We lay tangled together under my blankets. I run my fingers through his damp hair (it started raining as soon as we left Harvelle's). I feel his warm breath on my bare chest.

"Babe, you asleep yet?" I ask Dean.

"mmmnmm" He mumbles.  I kiss his forehead, he nuzzles his head into my chest.

"You're so cute." I whisper

"I am not cute." He mumbles.

"Yes, you are" I say sliding my opposite hand up his back.

"Nope. If one of us is cute it's you." He replies tangling our legs together.

"You are so stubborn!" I exclaim.



"Do your Uncles even know I'm here?" He asks.

"" I admit looking up at the ceiling. 

"Getting a little rebellious are we?" He laughs.

"The perks of dating Dean Winchester." I smile back. Dean shifts a little, keeping his head on my chest.

"Shh." I whisper.

"You're a dork." He whispers back, running his hands up my sides. There's a small knock on the door.

"Pretend to be asleep." I whisper laughing under my breath. 

"Child." Dean laughs back, but pretends anyway. He closes his eyes. 

The door slowly opens a bit. Gabe looks in. 

"Oh wow. Okay."  he whispers and then leaves. Dean laughs. 

"What's so funny?" 

"He thinks we had sex." he replies sitting up slightly.

"That can be arranged." I smirk leaning up to kiss his lips.

"Castiel Novak I would be quite honored to take your virginity." He says pressing his forehead to mine.

"Wait! Why do you assume I'm a virgin?"I ask

"Well are you?" He  replies trailing his thumb along my collar bone.

"...maybe. Possibly...yes."

"Holy shit! You are a virgin! Awe! You're so cute!" I blush a furious red colour. Thank god my room is almost pitch black.

"Awe babe, are you blushing?"

"No" I mumble looking down.

"You are sooo adorable!" He exclaims laughing. He pulls me down.

"Yeah, well I may be cute but you are an assbutt!"


"Yes. Assbutt. Do you have a problem with the fact that I can make up awesome words?"

"No, but  I do have a problem with you not shutting up and kissing me already."

I roll my eyes sarcastically and press my lips to his. "I'm going to sleep now, you should too."

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