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Books were always an escape for me. They provided closure against the world, and introduced so many other things. I found a spot inside the window sill. I grabbed my favorite story, Grimm Fairy Tales. Yes, it was odd that a princess of this realm would read a book she may be based off of. In fact, two of the Queens of the four kingdoms. I read over Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Rapunzel. I wept for the loss of their parents, and cheered for the rescues. Once I finished the story, I headed off to my room.

Bored out of my wit, I grabbed my quill and paper. I drew a face. It wasn't much of a face, but it was a face. Then I wrote my own story. This was a tale I frequently wrote about when I got bored. The tale was based off of me, and my loneliness. About a hour passed by when my mother sent a maid to tell me to get dressed in the gown she handed me.

The gown was a sapphire blue, that poofed from my waist down. A silver lining was at the bottom, and the sleeves went all the way to my wrist. The corset was painful, as were the heels, but the dress was beautiful. Sadie came in to help me with my hair.

"How do you want it?"

"I don't know."

"I'll try to work with that." She grinned and pushed a red lock out of her face. She braided my hair and twisted into a bun. My crown held my hair together. Once done, I got up and twirled around.

"Don't forget your locket." She remarked, grabbing the golden necklace and clasping it to my neck.

"Give it a twirl." Sadie said, spinning her finger. I twirled. The skirt fluttered, as if catching the wind. I laughed, and then slowed down.

"Sadie, why don't you spin for me?"

"Because your majesty, I am a maid. Not royalty."

"You could pass as royalty." I analyzed her, and it is true, she could pass as royalty. Her straight red hair, those green eyes, even her face looked perfect! Sadie laughed in response.

"Now, m'lady, don't get too carried off. It's time for your ball." Sadie smiled, leading me out my door.

I clutched onto her as we entered the ball room. She let go as soon as the gigantic wooden doors swung opened. The doors opened into a ballroom, filled with dozens of people in gowns. I noticed four familiar faces in the crowd.

Queen Ella, ruler of the Northern Kingdom, Queen Briar Rose, ruler of the Southern Kingdom, and their husbands.

Queen Ella, formally otherwise known as Cinderella, wore her strawberry blonde curls down, and resting on her neck. Freckles dusted her cheeks, and her deep pacific blue eyes stared at me. Her pink smile was faced toward me, and her hands placed neatly at her waist. Ella's dress was a light bronze with a floral pattern, sprinkled and bordered with gold. Her creme colored shoes were hidden beneath the bottom of the dress.

Queen Briar Rose was different from the way the other queen looked. Her black hair was pulled into a bun, with only two threads of hair pulled down on her face. The Queen 's violet eyes looked desperately at her husband, whom now talked to my parents. Every now and then, Queen Briar would adjust her silky, lavender dress.

Once I entered the room, I started to notice people bowed. The gateman yelled out, "Princess Quinnalyn Eris of the Eastern Kingdom." Musicians stood and began to play the waltz music. I made my way toward my parents who were seated at their throne. I walked past several people, until a woman in a black cloak stopped me.

"Princess, what indeed an honor." Her voice was hoarse and raspy, and she bowed. "A gift, for her birthday." She dragged her old, leathery hand inside her cloak and pulled out a leather bound book.

"Why thank you! I-" My voice stopped, because she was gone. I continued my way toward the thrones. My mother's face was tiring and looked as though she had just awoken from a slumber in the middle of the night. Her deep chocolate hair was ratted, but pulled up into a low bun. Her golden crown was perched on top her head, and matched the deep fuschia gown. Mother's backbone was as straight as it could ever be. I approached her with caution.

"Hello, dear. Your father insisted we have a ball." She managed a fake smile. My fingers clutched to the book so hard, my knuckles started to turn white. My mother, the queen, is rude to me, her daughter, and now acts like this! It's madness! I began to think, repeatedly. I finally breathed, to soothe down my nerve. My mother finally ushered me to sit beside her, and I followed.

"That woman, in the black cloak, gave you something. What was it?" Her voice turned soft, yet cold. I dared not to fight against her, so I handed her the book. Her face turned white, as though she had seen a ghost. Queen Ella and Briar, noticed this, and raced up the stairs to my fainting mother. People started to take notice, and murmured.

"The party is over. Please go back to your home's and castles." Queen Briar yelled amongst the crowd. "Please."

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