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I was switching to another dream, once again. I was bored. I hated this. I knew what I was doing in real life. I was sleeping. But suddenly, the light switched on. I could feel my eyes open wide awake. What happened? I had no clue. Peter was standing over me, while Ana was holding my hand. Greta and Kai were as shocked as anything. Were they a couple now? I think. I may have been out for a while.
"You're awake?" Peter asked, dumbfounded.
"I think so." I started moving my hands and my wrists and my toes. Both my parents rushed in.
"You're awake!" My mother about screamed.
"Yes." I said. She looked me in the eye as if she didn't think I've changed. Peter was still standing over me, hands on the bed.
"Brilliant, Ana! Your brilliant!" My father engulfed the poor girl in a hug.
"How long was I out?"
"You mean, you don't remember?" Kai asked.
"She was asleep." Greta looked at him with a disapproving look.
"How did I wake up?" I thought I asked the wrong question. The room went silent. Peter looked like he was about to, well, I couldn't place his emotions. I tried to stand up, my head felt dizzy. I grabbed on to the bed post.
"Quinn, you come with me." Ana dragged me out of the room. I held on to her for support.
"So, what happened back there?"
"Best not to tell you now and here." She brought me outside where the clouds loomed overhead, and underneath an apple tree.
"Okay, can you tell me now?" I asked.
"Well, you were asleep for five days after Elissia attacked." I nodded, becauseI remembered that. "While you slept, Briar Rose has been helping you. She frequently checked up on you to make sure you weren't dead. Today, while she checked on you, I had a semi-brilliant idea. What if someone kissed you, for you know, true love's kiss and all, well turns out it worked. I mean, I didn't mean for it to. It just happened."
"And who, perhaps, woke me up?" I asked, knowing the answer all most immeadiatly. Ana hesitated. I wonder if it was supposed to be a secret.
"Peter." She mumbled.
Oh no. Oh dear. This is not good. This is very very bad. Like very bad. Oh no. I thought.
"Hey, it's okay. Just like, don't mention it around him. You'll be fine." She gave me a weary smile.
"Oh. Okay." I felt dizzy and pale. "When do we start our quest back up?"
"Depends when we can get you out of here."
"What do you mean?"
"Well," She started. "I didn't mean to, but I overheard your parents talking. They said they may not allow you to go on the quest and get in even more danger."
"It's not my fault!" I squeaked defensivly. "Trouble always comes my way!"
"Exactly. I wanted to burst in screaming to them about you and going on the quest, but I couldn't let them know I eavesdropped."
"Um." I looked guilty. Just then, the memory of Wonderland resurrected into my mind.
"What is it?" Ana looked at me with curiousity.
"Well, you remember Wonderland, and how you guys got trapped in the dungeon, right?"
"Of course."
"While I was up in the castle, I was taken to my room. The Queen of Wonderland constantly talked to me, until she turned."
"Turned into what?" Ana's face told me she somehow knew about what was coming next.
"Elissia. But when I got out of the room, I entered upon the library. There was an old monk there, like the one before, who warned me of the stupid sleeping curse. Then he dropped me in the dungeon." Her face turned pale. "What is it?"
"We need to start our quest back up. We've wasted too much time." Ana said, helping me up.
We started to leave the next day. We were on the same route we took in the beginning, but this time, we were more careful. All of us were silent on our leave and the trip. Kai and Greta agreed to come along, just for the sake of protection. Whereas, Peter never talked. I looked down at the once wet road, only to find footprints. They lead straight to where we went, only extended further. No one else noticed them, apparently, but me. As we rested, I told them I would go look at something, and not go too far. I guess I attracted trouble. As I ran along the path, following the footsteps, they stopped at a small shack. Just then, I heard a scream. Maybe it was from inside the shack, or maybe it was from our group. I ran back to find Ana crouching on the ground with scars on her arms.
"What's wrong?" I managed to pant out.
"They... They... They took my cape." Ana managed to stutter out. She turned her face back to the ground, tears falling onto the dirt. The young girl looked tired and scared, but torn without her cape.
"Who were they?"
"They were just shadows." Peter said. Blood ran down from his cheek.
"Where's Greta, Kai?" My voice quivered. Of course, I knew exactly where they were.
"Vanished." He gasped. "Out of thin air."
"Elissia." I said in a hushed whisper.
"Well, now she has, I'm possibly guessing, two of the three objects. All they need is yours." Peter looked at me straight in the eye. "Do you know what it is?"
"What is what?"
"Your magical item, associated with your story." His voice faded away. I touched my golden necklace. He seemed to know exactly what I meant. In my story, the princess carries a small locket with a single lock of hair inside. I know, if they get the locket, they can control all our kingdoms, maybe even whatever lies outside our boundaries. We had to devise a plan that can have us get back our items, and have the magic we need.
"Wait, in the prophecy it states that I have magic, somewhere inside. How do I unleash that magic?" My face contorted into a puzzled look.
"That, well, we don't know. We can put you in battle and hope for the best." He sighed. Peter offered his hand to Ana, who was trying to get up. As Ana got up, she brushed off her clothes and cleaned off her belt.
"I never had the chance to ask you," Ana tried to make conversation. "What was it like asleep?" Peter groaned, pushing himself into the tent.
"Well," I looked around. "I need to go tell Peter something." I ran into the tent, to find Peter facing a corner, talking to himself.
"What do you want?" He shrugged, looking low. I could see a slight bob in his position and assumed he was floating.
"I needed to tell you of my findings, you know, while I was walking around." I plopped beside him, to find a mini-magic galaxy in front of him. Peter turned toward me.
"What did you find?" There was a small tad of curiosity in his eyes, then it vanished.
"I found a little shack, made of wood, not to far up from us."
"Oh." Peter's face looked puzzeled. He looked as though he finally fit in the last piece, and it would fit. "We need to continue tonight!" He squealed, gripping my shoulders. He quickly let go, and ran out the tent to Ana. There, I could hear the delight in his voice. He seemed to have started to float, so Ana started to shout at him, "Peter! Stop floating! Stop!" Of course she sounded happy. When I exited the tent, they both stood front and center at me, with courageous smiles on their faces.
"Ready?" They asked in unison.
"For what?" I laughed.
"To continue on our quest. Neither of us are tired, and I'm pretty sure you had your sleep. And, well, we need to find that shack before it moves." Peter grinned, nodding his head.
"The Passing House, of course! It always moves, always changes form! You never know, maybe we'll find Greta and Kai." His voice faded away. Of course, I started heading out. It was fairly dark, and the patterns of moonlight and trees made in no less ominous. Peter and Ana followed behind me, for then, until they began to huddle around me. Ana started shivering as Peter took out his dagger. I smelled a strong sense of gingerbread? We stopped in front of the shack. But it wasn't the shack I had seen.


Woah. That happened. 

So, on the other note, I'm not very good at writing romance, I get it mainly from books I read. I guess these characters are kind of like my OC's, if you think about it.

Oh yeah, my week was pretty bland. We did get out for school on Friday and also Monday *collectively cheers*. It's supposed to rain and cool everything down here which will be heaven. {I may be daughter of Apollo but I can sure enjoy some cooler weather} 

I'm considering doing shoutouts, any opinions?

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