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"Let me say, I was so pleased to be seeing you tonight." Sadie smiled. Something was wrong with her appearance. I could just tell. I looked into her icy gaze, now seeing the problem. Her green, emerald eyes were bordered with a frosty silver. The only work who could have done this was the Snow Queen, and Elissia. "My master has heard all about you, and apparently seen your bright, young face in a dream?"
"New master?" I was puzzled, then remembered my previous dream. "You work for Elissia, now, don't you?"
"Good Quinn! Yes, Queen Elissia promised me a royal crown. And not to mention, my own freedom, from the dungeon you call your home." I could feel Peter grab his dagger next to me.
"Go ahead, boy of magic. Kill me now. I won't mind, at least, think about the girl's story. Endanger it wouldn't it?" Sadie looked down at him. Peter loosened his grip, and let the weapon slide back into its sheath.
"Why did you come?" Greta asked her.
"Just to send a message from my Queen." Sadie paused. "Be warned for the howling of the night and the thorns of the day that will wait upon you. Your presence is waited upon by the Unknown." Sadie spinned around to be found, dissipated into smoke.
"What did she mean put the girl's story endanger?" I asked. Everyone stared at me. I felt stupid for asking, because I knew immediately.
"Sadie's your, your, you know!" Peter said.
"Your antagonist." Whispered Greta. I only sighed. I loved Sadie, she was dear to my heart. But I had to tell myself I couldn't trust her. I turned around to head back up to the castle when a low growl came from the forest in front of us.
"Wolves." Greta said. "Run!" I raced in front of my myself, finding my shoes slip off in the damp ground. We ran up the stairs to the door of the Red Queen's castle. Inside, guards blocked the red doors to the ballroom. They looked sternly at us as we made our way to the handle.
"Are you the visitors?" One asked us.
"Um... yes?" Ana replied.
"You are requested to meet with the Queen at once." The other said. The guards lead the way into the throne room. At one golden throne sat the Red Queen, along with the King on the other throne beside her. She looked furious, which seemed typical.
"Sending trespassers into my kingdom? Ruining the party? What more could you destroy!" She yelled, mainly at Peter. "One night. That's all I said. One night! And what happens? You ruin it!"
"Please, your Majesty, we-" Greta started.
"Enough from you, peasant girl. I would like this one to be put into her room." She pointed a long, stubby finger at me. "And for the others?" A guard asked.
"To the dungeon." The Queen sliced her finger across her throat. We all knew what that meant. I about screamed. The guards pulled me away, while my friends gave feared looks toward me. I couldn't do a thing. Well, except one thing. I stopped and faced the guard on my left. I looked him square in the eyes and punched him. It hurt. Peter started yelling, Greta stomped on their feet, and Ana drew her dagger. Guards swarmed them, as one tightened his grip on my arm and dragged me into the corridor of my bedroom. I could still hear echoes of my friends fighting. The guard pushed me in, with locking the door, and said, "Stay."
I quickly changed my clothes into my village outfit. Securing the sheath across my waist, the hood around my neck, and the boots onto my feet, the door unlocked. I pulled off my hood and my belt, but hid the sheath and sword under the bed. The Red Queen came in with a infuriating look on her face.
"Certain people just don't understand royalty!" She gasped, and turned toward me. "Is it with you too?" Not presuming how to respond, I just nodded. She plopped onto the bed, and motioned me to sit beside her. As I sat, I tried to push some of my sword out from under my bed.

"I know!" I tried my best to sound perky.

"Well, those friends of yours definently need a lesson on how to treat a princess and a queen, wouldn't you say?" The Red Queen sounded... different. I met her eyes. A thin silver layer grew in the green eyes of hers. I quickly fell off the bed, grabbing my sword and faced the tip toward her neck.

"Who are you working with?" I demanded.

"Nobody, now. She's now dead." The Queen gave a slight curl of her lips. Then it happened. A forceful wind blew in every direction. The queen's green and silver eyes turned black. Her red dress rose into a tight black and purple dress.

I quickly lunged myself out the door and into the cold hallway. I ran down, hearing the pounding of my heart and the echos of Elissia taunting for me to show myself. I found a door, and pushed myself through it. I took in a deep breath of the dusty room. I was back in the library.

The small monk greeted me with a twinkling of his smile.

"Back again, I see?"

"Um. Big problem. Really big problem." I panted through each word. I held back the door, only to feel a heavy pounding against the other side.

"Please follow me. I have been meaning to show you something."

"But the door?"

"It will hold up." I backed away slowly as the thumping began to shrink. The monk lead me into a door, and down a series of paths. Finally, we stopped in front of a small bookcase against the wall. There was barely any light, except for the light down the hallway. The monk grabbed a small, leather bound book. In gold letters on the front was the word, Legends.

"I believe you have read this several times, correct?" He asked me. I responded with a quiet, "Yes."

"Good. Then you probably know what I am about to tell you. This prophecy is now in you. You must fulfill it. Elissia and Malkia will try to use every power they have against you. Fight it. Now through this door," He motioned to a door by the right side of us, "will take you to your friends. The keys are by the door, be careful. Don't forget what I said!" I thanked him and opened the door. Going through, I saw the jail being carefuly made out. I felt dizzy, and sat down on the floor. In a minutes time, I jumped up to grab the keys and unlock them.

Ana ran up to me and hugged me so tight, I almost lost my breath. Greta grabbed my sword and twirled it around. Peter stood in the back, his arms crossed against his chest.

"Thanks for letting us out."

"Your welcome." I replied. I heard shouts and the tapping of soldiers making their way down to the cell. I ushered my friends into a small closet.

"Why are they after us?" Greta asked.

"Elissia." I whispered.

We were silent until we heard them pass by. As each of us crept out of the cramped hiding spot, we rushed toward the opposite way of the guards. We ran toward the edge, only to find a window. We were in the highest tower. I heard guards coming closer, their feet echoing on the stone.

"We need to jump." Said Greta.

"I have some left over pixie dust." Peter offered,

"No. That wouldn't do any good. One of us will have to stay behind."

"Wait, maybe it's an illusion." Ana said. We decided to check. Guards were coming faster down the hall. As Peter opened the window, I got out first. Forcing myself to keep my eyes open, I touched the outside. My foot hit on something solid, then it went through. I couldn't see it anymore.

"What is it?" I heard Ana shout.

"It's a looking glass!"

"Jump in! We'll follow." Peter told me. I closed my eyes and went through. My feet hit a muddy bottom. Followed by Ana, Peter, and Greta. When I recognized my surrondings, it wasn't good at all.

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