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The Unknown

"Malkia! I told you to hurry up!" A cold voice yelled.

"Elissia. I told you. These things take time." The woman shot back out.

"Well, make them take less time! If you want to get out, I suggest you rush to the maximum speed." The woman crept out of the shadows. She wore a long, dark robe, with a tall black crown filled with rubies, emeralds. Her black hair was long and lusterious and her eyes black with greed. Her hands were covered with black gloves.

"Malika, don't push me. I am ready."

"Well, we have news. The prophecy is fulfilling, and evil is rising. Hold on to your seat, this ride will be fun." They cackled a deep, dark, cold laugh that would make your spine curl.

"I'm ready." The dark royalty responded.


The night was cold and dark and made me shiver. Is this what the nights in the wilderness would be like? I pulled the warm blankets over my shivering body. Even a flannel nightgown couldn't keep me warm. I finally rushed to sleep.

The morning came in a second to fast. I rushed to the window, rubbing my eyes in the bright dawn. People did their usual morning routine, rushing out into the stores and doing their jobs. I wish I could be like that, only live freely and not be on the verge of dying.

I put on the outfit I recently wore yesterday. I draped my cloak over my body, and thrust myself out my door and down to the dining hall, meeting with my parents and the people from last night. A big map was laid out on a quarter of the table.

"What if they head off here." King Ast suggested, pointing to a forest.

"That will lead them straight into our kingdom, dear." Queen Briar responded.

"Maybe if we start-" The Queen was just about to finish when my mother spoke up.

"Quinn! Your up, and what rags you're wearing!" She examined my clothing. Everyone looked at me, smiling and saying, "Good morning!", except for the Red Queen who grunted and whipped her head back toward the map. Only one who wasn't up was Ana. I decided not to ask.

"Quinn, we're discussing our route to the Unknown." Peter said inviting me over. I gave in and walked up to examine a large scale map of the kingdom's.

"Well, it's obvious." I said, gathering the others attention. I traced my fingers along a path that led straight toward the Unknown.

"You would have to go past the mountains." Queen Ella pointed out.

"Are you sure? The girl has a point." Peter commented.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we could just go into the forest."

"What forest?" My father asked.

"The forest right next to the mountains." A familiar voice spoke. Ana stood next to the doorway in the exact same clothing as before. "It's clear as can be."

"You're up early." I said in the midst of silence as I walked over to her.

"But....that forest contains the darkest creatures from all over the realms. It is a border from Neverland and Wonderland. It's straight west and will be difficult. Are you sure you want to do this?" Queen Briar questioned us, as she inked in a black circle around a small house shape.

"This journey is going to be the only excitement I ever had. I want to do this." I remarked with grin.

"You don't get an offer like this every century or so, I'm in." Pan smiled and adjusted his dagger on his belt. All eyes were on Ana.

"Well...I..." She managed to stutter. "Please take care of my Grandmother, while I'm away." She threw the red hood over her face, shielding her shy eyes. They all smiled, except for my mother, whom sniffled a cry. I raced over to hug her.

"It's okay. I'm going to be fine." I kept repeating over and over inside her ear. I clutched her purple clothed arms. Tears poured from her eyes, and raced down her cheeks.

"You're my only daughter, Quinn. I wanted to protect you. Your story was a common story long ago, until it managed to stay, well, hidden. Oh Quinn!" Her voice wasn't as cold and harsh as it had usually been, it was more of a deep sadness. I stroked her long, dark locks, humming a soft lullaby. The crowd stared at me in a amazement at the once strict queen who, in moments, turned into a ray of gloom. My father finally pulled her off, as my mother was slowly inching toward the floor. Her body slumped in a way even she would yell at. Her hair was messed from the wet tears that tangled in her hair. Her hands blocked her face, and her dark purple gown was clutching the ground. Queen Ella started sniffling as Queen Briar ran up to her and held her in her arms. My mother was pulled into a chair once she finally soothed down. Everyone was silent.

Minutes later, the Red Queen appeared with even more makeup smeared across her face.

Her blood red lips spoke, "We have news that my sister is behind this."

"Elissia? But she we were told she was dead." King Ast said.

"Well, people can resurrect can't they? I did that several times when I was younger." The Queen boasted with pride.

"I wish you would have stayed dead." Peter Pan murmured.

"Only a year, boy, only a year." The Red Queen warned. Their peace treaty stated that ,after the Great Battle that we were about to endure, they were allowed to fight all they want, until it gets out of hand.

"Sure." The boy clutched his dagger as if to bring it out.

"Remember the peace treaty, for heaven's sake!" Queen Ella spoke in an irritated voice. "Honestly, you're like children."

"Easy for you to say." Peter laughed.

The others got them to apologize and moved on. We finished mapping out our journey, learning the basics, etc. Once it hit noon, the sky threatened rain to pour on us. The clouds were more gray then usual.

"We need to hurry. Their starting to stir and awaken." Queen Briar said swiftly, as to hurry us up. When we made our way for the Great Hall for lunch, my father stopped me in the hall. He lead me into a room behind the hall.

The area was small, but big in a way. Weapons were stored on the walls, and I knew this was the inventory room.

"It's my own stash I keep from your mother." He traced his hands along the bows.

"That's lovely, but why am I in here, if I may ask?"

"Because," He said, picking up a silver sword, and examining it. "You need a weapon." I smiled. I wasn't very good at archery, and he knew this due to the amount of broken windows he had to reinstall. But I've never had a sword fighting lesson.

My father picked up another Calvary sword, that was silver with a leather handle. Emeralds crested the guard, making a green glow. I lifted it up, feeling weight on my shoulders.

"It's heavy." I commented.

"Well, yes, that's normal. But this was one of mine when I was your age. I think it will suit you well." My father grinned. "Ah. But I know you can't carry it all on your own, so..." He rummaged through a pile of leather. "Where is that wretched item! Ah, found it!" He said pulling out a leather sheath, and handed it to me. I knew what to do, I saw this many times. I grabbed the belt, wrapping it around my waist, and tightened it.

"Fits you perfectly." He grinned and have me a big hug. We got out of the room, to headed to the dining hall.

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