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I woke up to dustin knocking on the door to tell me to get ready.

I ran to the bathroom and puked my dinner from last night.

After that happened.

I took ashton and gave him a bath.

After that i put him in sweatpants and a random tshirt with socks and those slippers that have a back.

I took a quick shower did my hair and slipped on sweatpants and a regular blue tshirt with ugg boots since its like 4 in the morning.

I grabbed our bags and ashton walked beside me holding his stuffed Pokémon.

I walked out of the elevator and into the lobby where dustin was.

He took my bags and i got in the car while he drove to the airport.

We got out and went through all that good stuff.

Just kidding it was horrid but we made it on the plane ashton in the middle.

I opened my laptop when i could and got a skype call from lou.

"Hello?" i laughed.

"Your on your plane good" he smiled.

"Have you told mum yet?" i asked him.

"No i was waiting for you too" he smiled.

"Is that Dustin Green?" he asked shocked.

"Yeah it is saw hello" i laughed as dustin waved.

"Who the hell is dustin?" i heard an irish voice shout.

"Oops gotta go lou!" i said and closed the skype.

"Was that niall?" he sneered.

"Yeaah" i answered.

"There on tour" i said.

"Oh good" he said.

"Is anyone taking you anywhere when we get to the airport? or are you coming with me?" he smiled.

Just then i got a text.

Message From : Niall

My Cousin Nicole is picking you up.x

I sighed.

"Someones picking me up apparently" he frowned.

"Oh alright" he said.

The rest of the plane ride i spent sleeping but woke up when the lady said to buckle our seatbeats because were landing.

Once we landed i grabbed ashton but dustin took him from me and we walked off to baggage claim.

I heard a snap of a camera and covered my face.

Dustin put ashton in the car seat and i took it while he took the bags and i saw Nicole standing at a car.

"Jessi!" she shouted and smiled running up to me.

"Hey i haven't seen you in ages!" i laughed.

"Same baby horan heres gotten so big!" she said as ashton giggled.

"Yeah he has" i smiled and dustin hugged me goodbye after we gave numbers.

"Call me when you need help with the baby" he sternly said and i nodded as i watched him get into his car and drive away.

"Lets go" Nicole said getting in the car and i did too.

"So are we going back to your house? or the tour bus." she asked.

"My house" i said with a smile.

I opened twitter and looked at the trends.


Was trending.


@Jessi_Tommo: I do let him see his son but hes my son too.

They stopped after that.

We pulled up to the house and i thanked Nicole and walked in the house i ran away from.

Ashton ran to his room.

"Mr.Chubby!" is what i hear next and i laugh.

I decided i'd do a twitcam.

I tweeted it and started it and already had 10,000 watching.

"Hey guys! Im back from La! Ashtons turning 4 tomorrow!" i said and heard ashton walk up to me and sit on my lap.

"Mummy said i get to visit daddy if im a good boy!" he smiled at the camera.

You could already hear his irish/british mixed accent.

"We're gonna answer some questions so drop em below!" i laughed and looked at the comments.

" 'You could be a youtuber' why thank you, Something to do with my life" i joked.

" 'Why aren't you with niall?' Um i'm not with him cause i went on a vaca with just ashton and uh he went on tour so were meeting up tomorrow at im not gonna tell haha but were fine i promise." i smiled and ashton frowned.

"Nuh uh daddy hit you" he said and i froze.

"Uh... Ashton baby thats not true" i said to him.

"Nuh uh i heard it daddy smacked you!" he argued.

"Were gonna sign off now love you!" i said an ended.

"Ashton do you know how many people will know daddy hit mumma?" i asked and he nodded.

"10!" he laughed.

"Let's get you to bed ash" i said and ten after i put him to be i got a call from liam.

"Hello liam?" i asked.

"HE HIT YOU?!?" an angry liam shouted.

"No uh no liam he didn't" i said.

"Don't lie to me harrys pissed off zayns pissed off louis's pissed off and so am i! " he yelled.

"Call me when you aint a ratchet" i said hanging up and going on twitter.

I notice the trends and start to cry.







I decided to tweet them.

@Jessi_Tommo: Niall didn't hit me. Ashtons just at that age where he learns stuff and doesnt know how to properly use it.

I tweeted it and then minutes later niall tweeted.

@NiallOfficial:Drunken Mistakes make you loose the person you love most.

I literally cried my self to sleep that night.

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