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The boys and Jessi were going to a small sighning at the mall.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" jessi asked for the 50th time.

"I'll be fine okay? go" i laughed and watched tv with seth and ashton for a good hour.

There was knocking on the door so i got up and answered it.

My smile faded as scotty came running in.

"I want my son!" he said.

"No! he's mine!" I yelled.

Did he spend 9 months with seth in him? No dont think so.

"He's my kid and i want him" He said.

"Ashton go with seth" i whispered as ashton took seths hand but scotty ripped there hands apart and picked seth up.

"Put him down! Ashton go hide in the bathroom?" i smiled at ashton as he ran.

"Give me my baby back!" i yelled.

"No he's mine" he simply said.

"Where you think your going buddie?" i heard niall's irish voice pop up.

"Taking my son" scotty said.

"Or naw?" jess said coming out from behind niall.

"Your going no where with my nephew" niall threatened.

"Wanna bet?" Scotty said.

Niall high fived jessi behind his back and then punched scotty in the fave making him almost drop seth but jess came and got him and handed seth to me and i tried calming him down.

"You loose sucka! Get out of my hotel room" Niall sassily said.

"Go girl!" Jessi shouted high fiving niall as he laughed at her.


we were coming back from the signing and i heard yelling in the hotel room so niall surprised scotty and in the end it was me and the gay niall who saved the day.

I was relaxing with my eyes closed in the middle of the floor.

I heard the door open.

"why's she on the floor?" irene giggled.

"Meditation women!" i joked sitting up.

"Where's my sass of an ass brother?" i asked and harry looked down.

I realised what was going on and ran to his room.

"Louis! Louis please! Open the door love! Louis!" i was banging on his door.

He opened it and hugged me and i let him cry into my shoulder.

"He doesn't love me back! I should have known better" louis cried out.

"It's gonna be okay".

"No you don't know what it's like to love some one who will never love you back" he said and i pulled away.

"Remember dustin?" i asked and he nodded.

"Then i do understand." i softly said.

"But i can't imagine how much pain your in".


Short update! Im sorry next chapter will be good i promise!

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