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When we got there i walked in with ashton on my hip.

"Hey sis!" Louis said kissing my cheek and taking ashton.

"Whose the surprise guest?" I asked Niall.

"Ed bud come out!" he said and in walked the ginger god.

"Oh my god!" i fan girled.

I started crying and he hugged me and took a picture with me.

"Thank god for waterproof makeup" i cheered.

"It's nice to meet you love" he smiled

he called me love!

"You too" i smiled.

I talked to him for a few hours before we left to nandos and ate quick.

When we got home it was 10:00 in the morning.

"Are we taking him to the animal shelter?" Niall asked.

"Yeah" i said and we didn't bother getting out of the car we just went straight to the animal shelter.

When we got there we saw all these cute puppies!

I wanted a cat.

"I want a cat" i said frowning.

"We can get two" niall laughed.

I smiled because he was always so nice.

I went to the kittys while he took ashton to look at dogs.

As i was walking i noticed all the kittens where just kinda happy not knowing whats going on and that kinda made me want to adopt them all.

I smiled as an old cat licked her kitten.

I walked past a couple until i abruptly stopped.

I turned my head and looked at a very small kitten looked as if she was only a few weeks old.

she was a sage colour.

"Is that the one?" a lady asked.

"Yeah it is" i smiled.

She got her out and i went an paid and signed papers and everything and once i got her she was in my arms and asleep.

"Wait mam'" the lady said.

"Yes?" i asked.

"I should worn you she hasn't yet opened her eyes,shes the runt" she sadly said.

"Thats fine with me" i smiled.

I walked away and saw niall with ashton waiting by the door with a cage.

"PetCo here we go" he said looking at the tiny kitten in my hands.

Niall picked up the cage and a bark came.

"I haven't seen the pup yet" i whined as ashton laughed at me.

"He out the cage in the back seat and i put the kitten in the cage i got since she was sleeping and put in down infront of my feet.

we pulled up to petco and niall got out.

"I'm going to get a leash real quick" he said and i nodded.

The kitten meowed and i took her out.

I held her in my arms and she opened her big brown eyes and stared at me.

"Hey beautiful" i smiled.

She meowed again and just laid on me while i pet her.

Niall came back and i got out along with ashton and he cliped the leash on and a small golden retriever came out and sniffed my legs.

He licked my pants and i pulled away.

"Alright lets go" i said and we walked in.

We got all the stuff we need and went home and got them all situated.

Her name was going to be Tess because she seemed like a tess.

And possibly because i could name her and it was my choice.

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