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I looked a the test i had in my hands and a tear slipped out of my eyes.

It was positive, I was pregnant.

I walked out and saw scotty and seth sitting on the hotel bed.

"Scotty?" i said to him.

"Yeah babe?" he smiled at me.

"Scotty..I'm pregnant" I whispered to him.

"What?" he asked.

"Im pregnant" i said louder.

"You know i don't want more kids! Damn nicole!" he got angry.

I remembered what Jessi said to me about her experience when niall had hit her.

First. He got angry.

Well i'm pretty sure scottys angry and i will not let that happen.

"I'm sorry" i said slowly moving over to me and seths bags.

"No! You know i didn't want kids and i'm just starting tour

in 2 days!" he got angrier so i grabbed our bags quickly got seth and ran to Jessi and Niall's room.

Niall answered and let me in.

I sat down with seth and cried.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked.

Jessi wasn't in the room for some reason.

"I'm pregnant and scotty doesn't want the baby!" i cried.

"Excuse me? What did i just hear?" Jessi said coming into the room from the bathroom.

"He doesn't want the baby!" i cried into niall's chest.

She got mad really mad.

There was banging on the door and my breath stopped.

Jessi ran towards the door and opened it to where he could only see her.

She took one look at him and kicked him in the balls...

Well then.

She shut the door and locked it and came over to us and took me from niall.

"It's okay you won't be alone! We can be pregnant together" she smiled.

"Yeah we can" I laughed.

"Now if you'll excuse me" she said getting up and going to the door and walking out.

"Where'd she go?" i asked niall who was calming down seth.

"To go talk to irene" he shrugged.

"She most likely is though" he laughed.

I laughed too and wondered why niall wasn't as mad as jessi.

"Now heres seth and i'll be right back" he said walking towards the door.

"Wait where are you going?" i asked.

"To kick some McCreery ass" he said walking out as i sighed.

"Auntie Nikki!" Ashton said waking up from his sleep.

"Hey bud!" i laughed as seth ran to him and they started playing.

I got out my phone and saw 10 missed calls from scotty and 20 messages.

I ignored them and wen't on twitter.

(Since she aint married yet its still horan.)

@Nicole_Horan: Guess what! I'm pregnant again!x

I tweeted all my followers that and hoped they supported me.

Jessi and Niall came back and they smiled.

"So He's gone" Niall said.

"Ha ha and i have a secret" Jess smirked.

"What is it?" we asked.

"I can't tell it's a secret" she said.

"It's probably nothing" niall said and i laughed.

"Well since he's gone i'm gonna go back to the room with seth" i said.

"No i don't feel comfortable knowing he has another key to that room" Niall said.

"You said he was gone." i questioned.

"I know but maybe he hasn't checked out yet" Niall said.

"We'll take that room tonight just in case he comes back" jessi said.

"And if he does" Niall started but was cut off by jess.

"I'll be the one to kick his ass" She said grabbed ashton and left.

"She's crazy, Get some sleep Nicole" Niall said hugging me and seth and skipping out.

Yes, Skipping.


Go follow SarahMorgan0 For giving me all these great idea's! She truly is amazing at coming up with ideas.

She has a few books too go read and vote for them!

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