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(her hair colour is pink so if you look at the last chapter there should be a picture.)


I never thought i'd be the one to loose my child.

But then again no one does.

I'm currently free boxing.

When you just continually hit the punching bag.

Im probably taking all my anger out on this poor punching bag.


That's what i am.

2 Kids at 20?

Niall probably doesn't even like me.

Married at 20?

He probably was forced too.

I'm so ugly i'm surprised he loves me.

Why me? Huh?

Why do i have to be the one to loose my baby?

It's not fair! I have been so kind to the world , I have never been rude to old people,I have never made fun of a disabled person.

Why did it have to happen to me? doesn't the world know how much pain i've already been put through.

I'm using all my energy to punch , everything i have because i certainly don't deserve another child.

I'm probably bawling but im here all alone so im fine.

Being alone is great.

It's just feeling alone that isnt.

My vision is blurring what the hell is going on?

"JESSI!" i heard Nicole's voice before i passed out.

I woke up on the tour bus and worried faces.

"What?" i asked sitting up.

"You passed out! Are you okay?!" Nicole said running in.

"I'm fine" i said. Lie.

"Are you hungry babe?" niall asked and i almost laughed at his hair.

"No" i said. Lie.

"Alright i'm gonna go get changed" i said realising i was still in my clothes i wore at the gym.

I went and hopped in the shower and once i was finished i got out and dryed off.

I slipped on my undergarments and sweat pants and a v neck.

I walked out and sat on the couch next to niall.

"You okay babe?" he asked as i laid my head on his chest.

"Why does everything happen to us?" i asked.

"It doesn't really" he said and i nodded.

"True" i said.

"We should all go for ice cream" Nicole said plopping down next to harry.

"Yeah let's go!" harry said.

"Irene!" He called.

She came out and so did the rest of the guys.

"We're going for ice cream" I said.

"Are you sure? people haven't seen your guy's new hair yet" Louis said.

"Well now they will since it's still daylight out" Niall answered.

"Lets go"

I slipped on my converse and we were out the door seeing as the tour bus stopped.

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