Chapter 20, Diary

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Marcos's POV


Keeyln, the black hearted monster is gonna pay for what she's done to my brother. Not for killing him - or trying or taking his throne or sending our father away, but for leaving him all those years ago and pretending he never had feelings for her is playing with him emotionally.

I won't stand for it.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice I can't put the blame on you, fool me three times screw your peace sign. I'll bring a war upon you.

Keeyln Greene I am your only enemy. I have brought war to you and you may see me as an inconclusive foe but I will have my way in this war.

I will use your need to not be alone against you - making you assume that I'd never cross you.

My only goal is family, she was once my family, my only reason to be strong in every battle fought.

Without my mom or father and my brother drifting off into her heart I was alone. All I had was her.

Keeyln may have felt more for me than she's willing to be direct abiut but the last thing she'll do is let you know how she feels. She'd rather make your heart sting with every glance then cause a stampede of butterflies in your stomach with her smile - the one she never uses.

I was alone, I had to leave.

I wish I'll have a chance to explain that to her but for one: she'll never understand and two: she deserves the pain of not having answers. Because with Keeyln there are only questions and she'll grant you anything but answers.

She wanted to make me feel dead inside because I made her feel alive. She couldn't handle unknown feelings and neither could I.

There is nothing special about Keeyln other than the fact that she takes love from almost everyone that she meets. You learn to love her. It's human nature to want to fix what's broken and she pulls that feeling out I you times one thousand.

She knows this and she fears it. She fears being loved but more importantly she fears loving someone who only wants to fix her because she's afraid they'll leave after she's fixed. So she stays broken, so she can be loved.

I don't care. It's aninsecruity only she can fix within herself.

I'm bringing Larceris.

I have fought many wars in my twenty seven years of living but I can finally find happiness once Keeyln is happy, once she's happy Quincy will be, and when Quincy is Nyla will be too. Though it might be easier having Keeyln dead.

My entire families happiness comes from one hateful woman.

With Keeyln you can't show her all the bright loving things you want to, you have to show her the opposite until she wishes for something more.

So I'm going to show her hurt, pain, jealousy, and undeniable love she's never felt until all she wants is for the love to override the hate and finally be happy.

It may be a crazy logic and I may be doing it for my own happiness and a slight bit of revenge but she needs it. She will be happy even if I have to die.

But war has to come first.

"Hurry!" I yelled at Quincy, not Gail's mom, she's a sweetheart. I ran toward our get away car.

They scampered into the backseat of the car and I immediately directed our illegal get away driver to speed off.

"Who are you people? Where is my son?" She huffed catching her breath.

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