Chapter 41, Feelins

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I just lost Gail, now I feel like I'm loosing everything. Am I betraying him by kissing my mate-a kiss that meant nothing, I felt nothing of course. I'm trapped in my room until I except his proposal, with occasional visitors. My side of the pack has done nothing to get me out, probably because I've done nothing for myself, I just sit in here.

The door opens and someone gets pushed in. I look up. "Carlin," I breath. But he doesn't have the sweet Sanders look on his face.

"I didn't come in here to keep you company I have something to say," He says remaining by the door. I nod a little more interested. "My father is dead because of you. But before that he made you feel. Quincy is a debatable guy but he is your mate. You have emotion and you still choose hateful ones, now that doesn't make you an Alpha or a leader that just makes you a selfish bitch. Play victim all you want because you lost your parents literally everyone else had too, and in worse ways. So stop! Because you've killed more than you've lost and you've have more love them hate!" He slams the door before I can even react.

No one has ever told me about myself like that. And it doesn't make me angry it makes me confused, I don't know which side of myself to be. Shouldn't they just love all of me? No one loved my evil. Except Quincy but he doesn't count.

The hiding Tadashi howls at my remarks but I cut off the bond. I don't need the sound of whimpers.

I grab a pillow slamming my head into it. Fuck my life! I'd rather have it end!

I need answers I need to wipe away my confusion. I need the one thing that can make a wolf feel better. I get up and knock on my locked door. Guards open it still making sure to keep me inside.

"I need to see Quincy Thyroid,"

My breath heightens, I need an outlet. I need an outlet. I get up and stand behind the door. After minutes of waiting the door opens. I quickly come from behind it biting into the first person I saw neck. Wait this doesn't taste like Quincy. I throw down the body, that's because its not.

"You really think I don't know you Keelyn. I heard your breathing down the hall, I knew you were gonna try to kill me. That's not the way to solve your problems by the way," He steps over the body and shuts my door locking us in. Her takes in my room and makes himself comfortable in a red chair.

I look down to see Daniel, one of my warriors dead. About damn time. I really need to keep up with my tasks.

"Why did you summon me?"

"I don't know. I just did," I pout at my dead warrior. I wanted him dead but that made my low numbers go down.

"Ah, I see, you just wanted me to make you feel better. Now that I'm the one in control and your confused because you've never been controlled. So what is it you want me to say? You want the full truth to help your confusion, well you already know it,"

Everyone's right. About everything including Carlin. And now I dont even blame Nyla for helping out her father or Keely for not visiting.

"I hate you Quincy,"

"No you don't. You never have, that's just the only thing you know how to say. In fact I bet you respect me,"

"I don't,"

"But you do,"

"Whatever," I huff sitting on my bed. "I'll never give up my title as Alpha." I inform him.

"We can discuss that once you sign the prenup," I laugh at that, something I once proclaimed to be weak.

When we were all kids Quincy and Marcos would joke about them both marrying me and making me sign a prenup.

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