Chapter 25, Monitors

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I stand in front of him. Shock if written all over my face. I watch doctors plug cords into him trying to stop him from sexiuring.

"What happened?" The nurse or doctor or detective out whoever was interviewing me asked.

I look around for a moment. What did happen? His sudden reaction of surprise couldn't have caused this. It must've been instinct or gravity.

"Well he got surprised when I touched him and... it just happened," She nodded while she wrote things or nothing on her clipboard. I have a feeling she didn't write what I said.

"Did he say anything to you or outloud?"

"Yeah, he asked my name."

She narrows her eyes at me like this is an oprah interview.  Like she felt I knew something she didn't which would imply she knew something I didn't because as I told her, I knew nothing.

"And what is your name?"

"Carlin Sanders," Her eyes popped out of sockets. I could see the blood surrounding her eyeball and the red jelly that held her eye in place. After a second they returned to their normal big size.

"And where are your parents?"

"I came here to find my dad," As soon as I said that she scurried for her stuff in a hurry. "Where are you going?" I ask her.

I'm tried of people running away from me. I already feel like the plague from what I did to that poor man. I just want answers as anyone else.

"To report this to the alpha," She says quickly, almost through instinct.

I nod. I push open the door, peeking in to see his monitor rate steadying. The doctors exited as soon as I entered. Funnily their long coats were black and red instead of white.

"Sir?" I'm not sure what to say. I must say something, apologize for my actions. The shock I caused could've killed him.

I still keep my distance knowing what happened last time. Nyla is still waiting outside, she was to scared to come in. 'Wussy,' I thought to myself.

When I approach him he presses a button that makes his bed levitate forward so that he could see me better.

"Umm... sorry about touching you, I didn't know you'd wake up," Ever. I didn't know he'd wake up ever.

"Where's your mother, son?" I know when someone calls you son it's just an expression but the way he said it sounds so right. Like he believed it.

I scratch the back of my head. Should lie to this strange stranger? He seems like a creep peering into my sole for more information. Maybe he wants my mom. He's probably uneased from being in a coma so long.

"I'm living with her in the kingdom," I lie. He nods releasing a sigh of relief.

"Son I-" He starts just as the doors slam open. Alpha Tadashi stood in the door with her hand rested on the tip of her gold plated sword.

"I'm really sorry Keeyln, I shouldn't have came in here without permission,"

Her aggressive expression softens completely while approaching us. While John looks nothing but surprised, so much it almost scares me.i take a step back just incase.

"Carlin, you best go to sleep. I don't want to have to scare you into believing in monsters again," She ruffles my hair guiding me out.

Instead of walking to my room like I was supposed to I peek through the window on the door. They don't seem to be talking but I see Alpha unplugging every cord and monitor helping the man breath.

She grabs her sword from her side. What is she going to do? I know she wouldn't hurt him. He's not even putting up a fight, he looks at her painfully yet daringly.  She yells ready for impact just as I rush back in. I rest my arm in the man and stand between her and him.

"No!" I shout causing her to freeze. My heart beat is pumping out of my chest and I'm currently blocking two surprised faces from seeing each other. Alpha slowly lowers her sword. "Why would you hurt this man?"

She tries to give me an easy look but fails miserably. "Why would you protect a man you don't even know?"

"No disrespect Alpha but doesn't that only leave room for opportunity? Maybe keeping him alive will give another person a reason to live. You never know who a person is or will be," She studies my seriousness for awhile.

Keeyln directs me to a c waiting chair in the room. A guides me by my head resisting the urge to be rough.

"I put him in the hospital."

Keeyln doesn't seem like the person. Why would she do that? I opened my mouth to speak before she continued.

"Now don't ask why. Ask who,"

"Who?" I questioned confused. Shes nods.

"Not me." My eyes trailed over to the scrawny man in the hospital bed. He was already looking at me with soft teary eyes. I stand and walk beside his bed.

"Oh and Carlin, This may be the last time you see him. Make it count," She steps up exiting the hospital without another glance in his direction.

I walk over to the man more cautiously.

"Who?" I ask him.

"Your father," he answers. "Gail Sanders."

Yup that's a wrap. I know super short, dont complain. This story is getting so good. Comment if your bored. I'm not!

I really love writing this book. Soooo much!

Comment here if you guessed this outcome

Comment her if you never seen it coming

I hope you did because I sent out 3 million clues. But I garuntee you guys have not guessed the book thing! And f you guessed Keeyln's book your wrong!


Anywho Xoxo, Reese

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