Chapter 1: Alias

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"Hey, you seem a bit lost? Can I-"
That man never got to finish his sentence as a knife was pludged into his chest. He dropped to the ground as a red eyed girl lent over him.

One of the most notorious assassins in Tokyo, Maki Harukawa. She was currently off duty at the moment but anyone who bothered to inturupt her deserved to die.

The gleam of the sunset was in Maki's eyes as she sat down as she was before, admiring the city from the top of the apartment complex. A smoking cigarette was in her hand and she raised it to her mouth, blowing smoke circles into the sunset.

Ding. Dear god, what was interrupting her now?! Maki took her phone out and grumbled.

"Great, just when I thought I had a break." she mumbled looking down at the new message.


Unknown Number:
New job. Meet me at Zenkokuji, 11pm, I'll be in a black car. Paycheck is on the table.


Maki swore under her breath. It was 8pm so she had at least 2 hours not including time to get there, since Zenkokuji must of been an hour away from here.

"For the love of fucking God, I just need a drink" Maki flicked the cigarette off into the streets below and went down to the bottom floor of the building. There was a bar across the street, that would do. It would at least make her forget this garbage job, that was sure.

Maki entered and instantly became caught up in the buzz, melting and blending in with all the drunk people.

"One drink please"

"What of"

Maki shook her head. She was at her lowest point.

"Honestly anything will do, just fuck me up."

The bartender walked away but her line to him must of caught the guys next to her attention.

"Hey, hey, you okay?"

Maki turned to provide a sarcastic response but stopped at what she saw. The guy who spoke to her was looking at her had a corcerned expression on his face and his appearance was unlike anything Maki had seen.

His hair was the first thing that stuck out. Purple spiked hair would obviously be the first and most recognisable thing about him but as Maki looked at him longer his appearance stood out more to her.

His eyes were also purple, which must have been from contacts or something although Maki couldn't talk. Maki ofter wore contacts for missions, as that was the stand out point for most of her victims and would be what they describe to the police if they got away. Then she could just take them out and act innocent.

"Anyways, I'm Kai. Kai Mota"

Kai took out his hand and offered it as a handshake when Maki noticed his jacket was hanging loose off his shoulders. Strange.

She took the hand and calmly shook it, testing his strength. Surprisingly, he was gentle through Maki could feel muscles through his hand.

"I'm Masako."

Maki always operated under an alias, even when she was with strangers and off duty. But, for some reason, she felt like she could trust this guy, strange as he might be.

"That's a beautiful name"

Maki smiled. She had come up with the name herself and could feel a little blush rising to her cheeks but it never happened. She had taught herself to blush on command and fake smiles. Everything that would be needed for a master assassin.

"Are you okay with what you said earlier. You seemed a bit down."
Kai's walm eyes stared at her. There it was, that unneeded corcern again.

"Yeah, just... My job sucks."
Well, she wasn't lying. Maki hated her job, she felt a bit disgusted at the killing innocent people part of it, which often came when she had to cover up a crime. And the awful hours were just there to torture her.

"Ah, doesn't every job suck"
He smiled and Maki felt a lit bit lighter.

"What's your job then, big guy?"
Maki smiled. Some little chitchat would lightnen the mood.

"NASA, space and research team"

Now it was Maki's turn to be surprised.

"You work at NASA?"

"Eh, sometimes. I've always wanted to go to the moon but they've always had other more experienced employees"

"What do you do there then?"

"I try to inspire people, ya know, like a motivator. People laugh and crack up at my jokes as I imagine working on that complex machines must be tiring."

A.. NASA motivator? That would explain his casual mood as I expect the people at NASA would be strict and uptight.

Hmm... There was one thing Maki was wondering though.

"Why do you wear contacts then?"

"Huh?" he seemed to stop and look at me directly "Would you believe that that's my normal eye colour?"

Kai cracked up laughed as Maki analysed him. Dodging the question?

Ah well, it wasn't her business to find out. They talked a bit more and Maki had to leave for her job.

"Whats your job then curious?"

Maki had been trained to respond quickly to take the focus and suspicion off her fake job"

"Babysitter actually. You wouldn't think I'd like kids but who knows"

With that Maki Harukawa exited the bar, calling over a taxi with one hand.

"Wait!" Kai ran outside the bar and stopped Maki, taking out a slip of paper and writing down on it "I thought I could give you my number. I know you're late to your babysitting thing but if you ever need to talk like tonight here it is. Tonight.... Tonight was nice"

Maki smiled and entered the taxi. "Okay then, your on space boy"

[COMPLETE] I Was Meant To Kill You  [Maki X Kaito] [Assassin Au] Where stories live. Discover now