Chapter 5: Jail

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Maki emerged from her flashback and noticed that Rantaro was breathing heavily, angrily even.

"I'm... I'm so sorry"

"Shut up. "

Shuichi tried to calm Rantaro, make him see sense. But nothing a as working.

Maki felt incredibly guilty.

She shouldnt though... It wasn't her fault... Right?

"No more questioning" Rantaro triggered the taser. Electric shock ran through Maki's body, pain coming from every inch of her skin.


"Great, where am I now?!" Maki opened her eyes and she was on the ground of a small room, a table in between her and another girl, who was standing in the corner. "Who the HELL are you?"

"Relax. I just need you to answer a few questions"

"What happened to that hipster guy?!"

"Rantaro? He couldn't complete the questioning. He said it make him sick, to think he was talking to the girl who assisted in murdering his sister" the girl walked over to the chair and sat down. Her blue hair was up in an unofficial bun, with bunnie clips stuck to it.

"Sit down"

Maki sat down.

"So... What do you know about Kaito Momota" The girl slipped out a piece of paper, the same paper Maki was using to kill her target

"Answer me"

The girl slammed the table, causing the paper to fly off. She was also holding a gun at Maki's face.

"Look, I'm just the messenger, those aren't mine"

"Who's are they then, Maki Harukawa?"

Oh god they know my name Maki thought. How? The last thing I remember from the pub was...

And then it hit her.


Or should she say Kaito.

"Look, I wasn't gonna kill Kaito! I-I thought he was someone different!"

Just as her day couldnt possibly get any worse, Kaito entered. His emotions weren't clear as he stood next to the bunnie clips girl.

"Kai- Kaito! I- I"

"Save it"

"No! My employer, my job, I-I"

The girl clicked the gun, "He said, save it."

"We'll send you to a temporary cell for now. But no trial will happen. Murdering countless people obviously gets you executed" The blue haired girl said this with a little ring to it. It sicked Maki.

Two security guards tossed Maki in a holding cell. The cell was very boring, it had one window for food only. She could tell when she was walked here that it was basically in the nowhere of the building, with no around. It had been several long hours before she was delivered dinner. She couldn't even tell the time from down here.

It was a few more long hours before her light sleep was interrupted with footsteps. Who could possibly be coming down here at this time of night, or day, she had lost track of time.


That. That was Kai's voice... Or Kaito's. She wasn't sure what to call him. Maki didn't reply.

"I...thought things over."

Again, no response.

Oof, short chapter. Been busy, idk uninspired I guess

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