Chapter 10: We Meet Again

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Tsumugi knocked on the door as she stood there, shivering. She said she had a master plan? I understand why she's nervous, maybe she hasn't seen them in a while. Maki thought to herself. It wasn't cold enough to be shivering, in fact, the house radiated warmth. But if the traitor to the NPA was scared of who was behind that door, they must be terrifying.

Maki shivered a bit as she imagined that thought. The door opened and she braced herself.

"Why... are you here? Why are you back? " The girl at the door was fairly familiar to Maki, that must be where Tsumugi got the car from.

"Your friends can come in and wait inside" Mukuro said, making her face friendlier as Kokichi and Maki wondering in. Her face turned back to a snarl as she turned back to Tsumugi. "You shouldn't be here,and you know that" her voice was a low treating whisper, like a snake wrapping itself around its target.

Tsumugi stayed silent as Mukuro snarled at her, telling her not to come inside, lest what happens between her and Junko. "I came back to see her, we can arrange something please, I have a great despair inducing idea!" Tsumugi pleaded as Mukuro went to shut the door.

"Ohoho what's this? Has the little rat come to see me? Her lovely~ caring~ sister."

Tsumugi recognised that voice and flinched. It had been so long.

"She was just leaving" Mukuro tried to force Tsumugi out as Junko grabbed Tsumugi by the collar. "Oh no~ she wasn't. Were you Tsumugs?"

Tsumugi gasped for breath as Junko slammed her against a wall and dropped her. "We can come to an agreement."

With that, Junko walked away, down the glittering golden halls while Mukuro was lecturing Tsumugi. She knew what an impact and influence Junko Enoshima had on the poor girl.

Whatever Junko did, Tsumugi copied.

Tsumugi was 3 years younger than Junko and easily impressionable in her childhood.

However, Junko ignored her and this only made her try to please Junko more and more. In her childhood she had blown up a school thanks to Junko, and she still ignored the blue haired girl. And when she didn't ignore her, when she took out all her angst and rage on Tsumugi. Those were the worse days... Tsumugi accepted that as her life.

When Mukuro finally had had enough she took Tsumugi to the city with her, hoping she could erase Junko's influence out of her. She signed her up for multiple prestigious schools and got her a job and apartment there, never telling Junko what happened only that "Tsumugi ran away."

She was never meant to come back, why now? Why this?

Tsumugi ran off, she hated when Mukuro treated her like a child.

She wasn't. She was invinsible, like Junko, her idol.

Maki and Kokichi were still waiting in the halls for Tsumugi when she ran past them crying. "What the hell?" Kokichi said, actually concerned. "Whatever those bastards are doing to Tsumugi they'll pay." His fist was clutched up, anger boiling from his skin.

Junko approach them, happily skipping over to them. "So, Mukuro says Tsumugi brought you guys here."

"Yeah. And whatever your planning to do with us, stop." Maki glared into her bright blue eyes, she was definitely related to Tsumugi.

"Ahaha~ I could torture you, make you scream, make you fall in love with me, make you feel despair" she leaned in closer to Maki's face, her breath warm but her hand cold as she placed it under Maki's chin. She had seen this girl in the warehouse. This was Tsumugi's relative?! What? Junko Enoshima?! The leader of the biggest gang of rebels and thugs?!

Maki had a flashback to Tsumugi shivering on Junko's doorstep, no wonder she was scared!

"But for now, you need food! Ahaha, kaitooooo~"

Maki's blood went cold. What? Why was Kaito here?! It... didn't make sense...

Kaito walked in carrying a plate of deliciously preparated steak. He looked different from what Maki remembered. He looked more thin, more boney. His eyes seemed to be watering as they stared at the food he was meant to deliver. "Kaito! Feed the guests!"

Kaito gazed up at the two tricksters first at Kokichi and then... Maki

Maki locked eyes him,not believing it was true. She... was free... and Kaito was with her... That's all that mattered....

She didn't even care about the money anymore, she was never going to kill him, hurt him.

Kaito made a small gesture toward Junko, as Maki picked up on it, pretending not to notice him.

Dinner was silent, everyone cast suspicious glances at each other, suspecting everyone of a trap.

After that, Junko turned to them, bowing and extending a hand to the environment around her. "Bedrooms are on the third floor, bathroom are somewhere or another. Sweet dreams!"

Kaito and Maki walked quickly toward the stairs, only to be stopped in their tracks by a childlike laugh. "Ha! You think I, the ultimate supreme leader, would stay in a place like this?! You're pathetic! I expected more!"

Junko also stopped, turning slowly around to face him. Kokichi stood up, a smirk encovering his face. Whatever he's up to... Its not good, Maki thought.

Junko deadpanned and walked slowly towards the short leader. Her eyes were wide, shocked... angry.

They held a staring contest for a few minutes, standing dangerously close to each other. Kaito could sense the tension in the room, grabbing Maki's hand and leaving for the stairs.

They walked in silence until they reached the rooms where Maki rushed to one- any- room with Kaito following behind her. She felt a lump in her chest, though not from pain or guilt. No, she had come to accept this emotion over the past couple of days, a longing, a need. Love.

Her cheeks burned as she slammed the door shut behind her, not caring who heard anymore.

"I missed you so much and I'm so sorry for making you feel like I'm the villain and I'm afraid, so so afraid that I'll lose you!" Maki burst out, hugging Kaito tightly, burying her face into his chest.

Kaito was silent for a second, before hugging her tightly back, stroking his hands through her hair. "I never once thought you were a bad person Maki. Not once. Just... misunderstood."

Maki brought her eyes up to Kaito's watering with tears and guilt. She stayed in Kaito's arms for what could have been a few minutes or hours, it was hard to tell in such comfortable position. It was the first time Maki had felt safe. And the first time Kaito had felt calm.

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