Chapter 9: Road Trip

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Tsumugi had dragged Maki along with her, Maki not even showing resistance at her touch. She didn't want to be a killer anymore, let alone have Kaito blame this whole thing on her. She felt tears come to her eyes but wiped them away quickly.

And she stopped. Tsumugi was dragging her to a very familiar car. "Is- Isn't that Mukuro's?"

"Oh, I forget you two had met! I'll explain everything inside."

They both climbed in the back seat of the car, Maki found out the car door was locked on the inside. She was numb, and accepted everything that was happening to her as her fate.

"Okay! Ask away!" Tsumugi cheered to her after several minutes of silence. The car wasn't moving yet but Tsumugi assured Maki she booked one of the best drivers. He just wasn't there yet.

"Aren't you part of the NPA? I thought-"

"Oh hahaha~ that agency would have crumbled me to dust if they knew my true identity before! But now, I'm in charge, everyone loves and trusts me and everything is going according to plan!" Tsumugi still had a cheerful smile on her face, but when Maki stared into her eyes in disbelief she could see malice and evil, glowing brightly beneath the surface.

"And.. What do I have to do with this?" Maki asked suspiciously

"Can't a girl just be nice?"

Maki sighed in irritation. Obviously she was lying. She must need her for something.

But... now it felt like Maki's life was spiralling out of control. Tsumugi took her hands, trying to comfort her and she pulled her legs up near her face, trying to gain some room for her thoughts but. Tsumugi. Would. Not. Leave!

Does she have any idea what personal space is?! Maki thought angrily. I just... need some time alone.

As Maki looked out the window of the car, there was something in the shadows. Maki blinked and it dissappeared, before reappearing in front of the car with this dark gloom about it.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" Maki screamed to Tsumugi which made her jump. "W- what?" she squealed.

The figure entered the car, wearing a long dark purple coat. "Oh, that's just our driver" Tsumugi exclaimed, relieved.

"Heyyyy Makiroolllll"

That voice....


"Nishishishi~ so the assassin is onto me!"

Confusion was in Maki's gaze as she stared dumbfounded at Kokichi.

"Wha- you didn't think I actuuually had a normal job, ugh that's sooooooo  boring"

Kokichi started up the car as Maki glared at Tsumugi.

"I'm sorry, I knew you two knew earth other, but I didn't know how" Tsumugi threw an apologetic face at Maki, who was still mad.

It had been several minutes since Kokichi had started up the car and as they were zooming down the highway Tsumugi tried to lift the mood

"Uhh, so, how did you get to be an assassin?"

"None of you-" "Nishishishi, Maki started by killing her arch nemesis, then had a fetish for blood and continued to kill, going as far to murder innocent orphans!"

"Dont listen to everything that comes out of his mouths, he's a fucking lair half the time" Maki glared at Kokichi as he giggled "And keep your eyes on the road you dumbass"

Tsumugi sighed, her eyes glowing unnaturally as she put her hand under her chin gazing out the window. "You know, I didn't think my extravagant plan would rely on a trickster, assassin and mastermind going on a road trip together. Oh, the despair, its almost overwhelming"

Maki gave Tsumugi a weird look, had she heard that before? "Also, you still have told me why I'm here. It can't be to break me out, you would have dropped me off by now."

"Oh no, no. We're gonna visit some of my relatives"

The way Tsumugi put the emphasis on relatives kinda scared Maki, had they done something wrong? Maybe they were the reason Tsumugi was like this.

"You.. still haven't answered my question..."

"Oh, you're just there to... impress them. They like murderers, you know"

Tsumugi's eyes dulled down with years of pain behind them, abuse even?

"I'm sorry if they weren't... the best people. I never got to met my parents so... what would I know..." Maki's voice trailed out

Kokichi chimed in, though not with his usual high frequency behaviour. "I had the absolute worsttttt family, even worse than Maki when she's in a mood." Kokichi exclaimed this cheerful but his voice had a few cracks in it.

He thought for a few seconds "I guess everyone in here has had a tough life, huh?"

Everything went silent for the next ten minutes until Kokichi interrupted it. "Everyone, everyone, we're here!"

Wow was the only thought Maki could comprehend as they rocked up to the palace like mansion, light glared and glittering on the inside, reflecting to the outside. Maki didn't realise that it was night, even though before in this car it was pitch black outside. The golden hue of the place reflected onto the three as they got out of the car, streetlamps lining the sides on the road, even though it was all private property.

The house could easily double as a hotel, that's how big it was. Its was like a celebrity's house, maybe it was.

Kokichi turned to Tsumugi grinning. "You didn't tell me you were rich Tsumugi. I should have asked to get payed more nishishi~"

"So, is this your parents home?"

Tsumugi shook her head sadly.

"No... This is my sisters."

Eek, I have a great plan for the direction of the story yay! Hopefully this isn't boring!!

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