Chapter 4: Cold Blooded Killer

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Maki blinked herself awake. Ughh, how much had she drunk last night. She didn't remember anything. And her vision blurred. And... Stung?

"Oh god, I left my contacts in again." Maki thought as she stumbled around the house. Something was off about it, had her apartment always been so big?

Thump Maki ran straight into a wall. Oww. Her bathroom should be here right? "Ugh, I should really pack a hand mirror" Maki thought as she stumbled around the house like a zombie.

She eventually found the bathroom and pulled her contacts out. Her eyes readjusted (but still hurt) and her vision swung around the bathroom.

"This isn't my bathroom." That would explain why she was running into stuff. Maybe she was picked up by another fuckboy. This wasn't the first time.

Maki gazed into the mirror at her golden brown eyes. She usually wore her contacts for missions and stuff so why was she wearing them to the pub? Did she even go to the pub? Her brain was hurting too much to even try to remember. How troublesome.

She ran back to her room to grab some decent clothing except none of her stuff was there. She slipped a large jacket, which was hugely oversized on her. "Is this a kids room" she thought as she looked round at the galaxy themed room. There was alot of effort put into this room to make it space themed. This made her even more curious to see who brought her here.

The kitchen was bustling with life as Maki came out to see a green haired hipster cooking pancakes.

"Want some?" He said as Maki sat down at the table. She sat next to a very concentrated Shuichi. He was focused on his laptop, working on a jumbled up document.

"Yes please, if that's okay."

The kitchen was bigger than Maki's entire apartment and as Rantaro brought her breakfast she was convinced she was in a millionaires home. The hipster must be the maid then.

But then who brought her here? The guy next to her wasnt even interested in her and she was pretty sure she wouldn't even talk to the maid, not matter how drunk she was.

"Who lives here?" she asked. Rantaro and Shuichi shared a look. Only a glance, but Maki knew better than to underestimate people.

"Me and Shuichi" The hipster replied. No, there must be someone else.

"Who brought me here?"

"A... Friend but he had to leave last night" Shuichi replied. Now that was definitely suspicious. "Do they know me?" Maki thought "No, they can't, that's stupid"

"Who was that?" She was onto them. The hipster sighed and headed over to her. He... Had a taser? Wait WHAT!!!

Shuichi stood to the side, preventing Maki from escaping. "Hey, what the? What are you doing?!" Maki was angry and felt like a trapped animal. "What do you want?" she said in the most threatening tone. She didn't have weapon and even using her fists would get the hipster to tase her.

I'll play along with your games now, but you all will die. Maki thought to herself as Rantaro smirked.

"I know why you're here. You can stop the act. Now." Rantaro wasn't even fased by her.

"Answer me first, who are you people and why am I here?!"

"I'm Rantaro Amami. You might know my name, or at least my last name."

Maki blinked. Who? She didn't recognise the name at all. Amami?

"Confused?" For some reason, Maki's confusion must have made Rantaro angry. "Egh, you disgust me"

He pulled out an ID card. But it wasn't his. It was of a 14 year old girl. She was smiling happily in her ID photo. Maki then looked at the name. "Ayaka Amami" Rantaro said. His voice had deepened and his hands were shaking. His eyes were darkened as he glared at Maki.

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO THIS IS!" His voice shook and his loud voice made Maki step back. She faintly remembered someone like this...

Maki stalked her target with a bird eye. It was a 56 year old man with a bald spot. She wasn't really confident if she could kill old people but when she learnt what he did, she offered to do it for free.

He was on a train, with Maki across from him. The compartment was locked from the inside, Maki made sure of that. There were only three other people in the compartment.

A green haired girl, her brother and a teenager who was on her phone, scrolling through instagram. It was time to strike. She couldn't have any witnesses though. Maki had learnt that most assassins take any victims with them but she wasn't comfortable with that.

The man, who was actually a serial killer and sexual predetor in disguise came closer to Maki.

He started talking to her, rubbing his arms 'accidentally' against hers and she hated it. When he 'accidentally' grabbed her breasts she couldn't wait until the next stop to kill him. She tried to stab his chest but his arm was in the way. Everyone in the compartment was screaming. Then everything turned black. They were in a tunnel and as Maki lost sight of her target she heard a scream from her left.

They made it out of the tunnel and Maki saw a horrific sight.

The green haired girl was being held by the neck by the serial killer. The brother was knocked to the ground, blood all over his face but still slightly conscious. The teenager was backed against the wall, screaming.

"SHUT IT!" The man yelled as the girl held her mouth and cryed silently.

"Either you let me go, and I release the girl" the girl struggled as she was slowly running out of breathe "or, you come near me, and the girl gets it"

Maki had one choice to make. The right choice. The boy yelled out as loud as he could for someone bleeding to death. But she still stepped toward the killer. Leaped actually, at his face with a knife.

When she was done, and the killer was actually dead, she left. Simple as that. The last thing she saw of the compartment was a bunch of people who wanted to get on, confused and scared. The boy was still bleeding out and had gone unconscious from blood loss. The other girl seemed to be patching him up, to the best of her abilities.

[COMPLETE] I Was Meant To Kill You  [Maki X Kaito] [Assassin Au] Where stories live. Discover now