Chapter 6: Dismay And Disbelief

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Kaito sighed. He didn't know how to feel. On one hand, he was incredibly lucky to get to Maki before she could get to him. On the other.... He didn't know. He was confused.

Kaito tugged his emotions out of sight. For now he had business to attend. "Look, I've thought things through, and the committees decided I'm the one who'll investigate you. I'm sorry, I am"

Kaito opened the door. He expected Maki to try to attack him with what little she had in the cell or at least glare at him. Instead she was tucked up in the corner, knees against her chest, head gazing at the floor. She didn't even care for Kaito's presence. She just stayed quiet.

Was she okay? Kaito wondered. He knew he shouldn't care for any criminal, but more often than not he began sympathising with his targets. It was just a side effect for his big heart.

"Why did you have information on me?" Kaito talked down to the cold, unmoving figure.

Maki looked up. Her eyes were dull... Empty almost. "You're Kaito Momota? Of course you are, the universe hates me"

Kaito was taken aback. In all his years working for the NPA, he had never seen someone react like that. Or someone with such... Emotionless expressions.

Kaito wasnt sure what to do next. He sat on the ground across the other side of the cell from her. As he qlanced at her she still didn't move.

Kaito relaxed and sighed. He felt awkward as the two of them sat in silence for a few minutes. Those few minutes turned into hours. Kaito was getting tired and knew he had to move out of the cell soon to get some rest. He took a look at the girl across from him and noticed her figure had changed. She was breathing heavily up and down, trying to hold in tears.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Kaito kneeled next to Maki. Maki hadn't tried anything in the night so he was ninety nine percent certain that she was harmless in this state.

"I- I never imaged I'd get here." Here? What was she talking about? "I'm not sure quite what you mean."

"Here. You know-" Maki gestured to the cell around her. "In prison... Isolation."

"Your not alone." Kaito tried to put his arm around Maki but she shrunk at the touch so he put his hand back. "I'm here."

"Yeah... Why..? I have a mission to kill you, you know"

"You--" Kaito was cut off as the door opened and a short boy with a plate of food entered. "Oh. I didn't know such scandalous stuff went on in here. Well next time you should tell me." His belly was covered by an apron which made Kaito assume he was the one of the chefs.

He placed the food down on the ground and winked at Maki. "Bon appetite. The window was blocked by a *large* amount of purple hair I'm afraid." Kaito got up and sure enough, his head was placed over the window- no, the slit, where the food entered.

Maki stared at Kaito emotionlessly as the chef left the room, locking the door after him. "Arent you going to leave? It's no use hanging around a dead person"

Kaito sighed and looked at the ground. "Is it true that you're the legendary assassin Maki Harukawa?"

Maki stared at the ground. "Answer me." Kaito gazed down at her, his usually soft eyes showing no emotion. "Please, answer me."

"I wish I wasn't"

Maki cover her head in her chest again and stopped moving. Everything but her breathing. Have she really accepted her fate. Like, she was going to die, Kaito took one final glance at her before leaving with the keys in his pocket.

He knew Maki might have tried to steal them, in fact, he kinda hoped. Showing that she had some fight in her, if only a little. But no, Maki had quietly accepted her fate, as atoning for her sins.

Kaito walked up and out into the bustling office of the NPA, Tokyo. "So, a little birdie told me you were flirting with that sexy mass murderer." A blond girl, twirling her hair, came up to Kaito, leaning on some furniture as she started the conversation.

"Ughh, Kaede I'm not in the mood" Kaede pouted. "Cmon Kaito, this is like, a once in a lifetime thing. We're finally meeting the culprit of all those crimes involving the remnants of despair and you're just flirting with her?!"

Kaito frowned. "I'm sure shes not in Centre, or even a part of it." Centre was the gang that had been Kaito's starting case for the NPA. Kaede had been chosen to work with him, investigating a series of murders and death threats supposedly made by the "The remnants of despair", as there was graffiti in blood at every murder site labeling the organisation. Sometimes there was a paragraph about the existence of life and how hope was meaningless.

Kaito and Kaede never finished that case, as the murders were getting too big and too out of hand to let newbies take care of it. The case slowly drifted out of everyone's sight as the killing started getting less and less. The last killing was a month ago.

"Yeah, Maki's definitely a part of remnants of despair." Shuuichi approached the two, joining in the conversation. "Tsumugi proved it"

Tsumugi was the second in command in the organisation, left in charge after the legendary Kirigiri went on vacation.

"Oh." Kaito sighed. He was sure that Maki wouldn't write those despair inducing quotes and paragraphs but he had learnt sometimes he could see through people's masks if they were as thick as cardboard. And Maki seemed to even be hiding from herself so Kaito was unsure. And those dead inside eyes...

Shuuichi and Kaede were still gossiping. "I bet she's the leader of the remnants of despair." Shuuichi cut though her words. "No, that's wrong"

Kaede stood and looked at Shuuichi with a worried glance. "Ahh, I mean, you forgot to include the fact that her organisation must have thousands of members. Wouldn't they try to break her out?"

Kaede pretended to think. "Hmmm, no. They'd just appoint a new leader."

"Guys, guys, I'm ninety nine percent sure shes not the leader."

Kaede and Shuuichi glared at him. "Your guesses don't count. Yesterday you overestimated how long a walk was and we ended up looking out over the ocean" Shuuichi chimed in.

"Yeah" Kaito laughed as he remembered the occasion. "But trust me on this, she not the leader"

Kaede and Shuuichi gave each other a clearly skeptical look. "Yeah, sure." Shuuichi said. As she heard this Kaede joined in "Yeah, of course, we would never doubt you Kaito." she replied.

[COMPLETE] I Was Meant To Kill You  [Maki X Kaito] [Assassin Au] Where stories live. Discover now