2: Spare

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Spare (verb): to refrain from killing, injuring, or distressing.

Someone is shaking me. Fight or flight kicks in, literally. I bring my bound feet up and smash open the lip of my attacker. I hear a man curse. “Gah, Henry!” He calls out. Suddenly I remember where I am. Why am I not dead? I sigh in frustration. A bruise is already forming on his face. A deep purple bruise on the delicate skin underneath his eyes, blood pours from gash in his lip caused by the chains that bind my feet.

“I told you to be careful.” Henry says walking over and taking a look at the man. “Jamison, go clean yourself up.” He orders the man, Jamison. He looks at me. “I let you sleep for quite a while m’lady. But I confess, it’s almost noon, I can’t be too nice to you, considering what you had planned yesterday in my room.” He shakes his head condescendingly. I look up at the blinding sun. I am so hot in this suit I wear. Maybe I’ll die of a heat stroke. He probably notices the sweat on my forehead and my face has got to be beet red. “Do you want a change of clothes Lady Madelyn?”

“Yes.” I surprise myself by saying. I do want to die, but I think waiting for my blood to boil will take much too long and hurt far too badly. Henry smiles and unlocks the heavy iron clasps on my hands and feet. He takes my arm and leads me into his cabin.

“Surprisingly, I don’t have any women’s clothing.” He tells me after looking in his closet for a few moments. “You’ll have to make due with mine.”

“Fine.” I tell him shrugging. I feel faint, I am over heated. I pull through his clothing until I find a shirt and pants. The shirt is a white linen button up shirt, and the pants are simple, and dark blue. “Leave.” I order, and then quickly add “Please.” I don’t want to piss him off any more than my murder attempt already has.

“Of course,” he bows to me and backs out of the room.

I sigh out of relief and try to pull off the leather top of my suit. I can’t get the buttons undone. I feel a wave of terror over take me. I can’t get this oven of an outfit off on me. I will not ask Henry to help me. I struggle in vain and eventually sit myself on a chair facing a desk.

I need to calm down, freaking out is only going to make me hotter. I stare at the map on the desk. I use tiny colorful jewels to mark all of the places that I’ve been. I am so hot. I need to get this suit off now.

“Madelyn?” Henry calls out knocking on the door and opening it slightly. I will not ask for his help.

“What?” My voice is too agitated and gives away too much emotion.

“What’s wrong?” He asks walking into the room. “Why haven’t you changed?” He asks.

“I got distracted.” I lie.

“You face is red, you need to get that thing off.” He tells me. The flirtatious glimmer is replaced with confusion.

“I can’t.” I tell him exasperated.

“I can help you.” He offers moving behind me.

“No.” I turn to face him. “No, thank you.”

He rolls his eyes. “Don’t be a child. Turn around.” I stare at him. “Turn.” He makes a twirling motion with his finger. I turn around reluctantly. I feel his fingers glide across the buttons undoing the little circles one by one. I hear a sharp intake of breath.

“What?” I ask, trying to turn around. He places his hands on my shoulders and turns me back. He walks away and pulls open the cabin door.

“Bradley, get me ice.” He calls with an authoritative tone. He waits a moment and I watch him. He really is amazing looking. He takes the ice from Bradley and nods at him. “Lay down.” He tells me.

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