Chapter Three

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Walk away, walk away. Do it now, before my heart won't let you...

Two months later

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Kubilay Aka and Miray Naz Daner

A flare of rage shoots through Boran so sharply he cannot breathe for a second. Everything in him wants to tear the pretty embossed ivory paper into shreds. He knows he can't. He knows he has to go. It would invite too many questions and provide insane tabloid fodder if he doesn't go. More than anything, he wants to protect her from that. She is the public's sweetheart and he can't bear to be the one to ruin her in their eyes. She would be ruined. Utterly. Irrevocably. More so than he and he knows it because that's the world they live in. He loves his country but equality is still a slow moving train.

That's why he turned her down when she came to him. Well, one of them. The reason he gave her, while true, was just a convenient excuse. As long as he lives, he will never forget the pain in her eyes when he said no.

He left her before dawn because the chance of being caught by a rogue paparazzi coming out of her house in the morning was unthinkable. The agonizing hangover nothing compared to the pain in his heart. What had they done? Boran has been so good about keeping her safely in that friendzone. She's too young for him. She is all wide eyed heart and romantic dreams. He sometimes even annoys himself with how jaded he is. If he often can't control certain thoughts and dreams about her that were most definitely not 'friendly' well, he can't really control his subconscious. And if he's pictured her a few too many times when he was with other women... She was like this beautiful, loving creature that was much too good for him. Too good for anyone, he thinks, her boyfriend coming to his mind.

Future husband now. Boran swipes at the glass on his table and it shatters against the wall. He wants to be happy for her. God, he wants so badly to be happy for her because this is what's best for her. A happy life, a marriage, children the whole white picket fence. Everything he doesn't want. He has a whole future, whole career that is only beginning to come to fruition, so many plans and none of them included being tied down. He doesn't know why the idea of marriage stiffles him so. His parents are happily married.

That's why you had no business touching her, you fucking idiot!

He knows that. Shit, he'd always known that, but too much alcohol and that beautiful face looking up at him with that body all curved and soft and made for sin...and her eyes looking up at him with everything he'd ever wanted to see in their depths.

He didn't think there was a man alive who could resist her. There was absolutely no artifice about her. She was a ball of joy and delight, the antidote to his moodier soul.

Boran decides against reaching for another drink and instead goes for his pack of cigarettes on the coffee table instead. She is always on him to quit.

He's made some gigantic fuck ups in his life but this...this one had to rank up there as number one. He's lost one of his best friends and for what? A night of hot sex.

Amazing sex.

Mind-numbingly good sex. Shit, he can still smell her body if he closes his eyes and the memory makes him half hard.

He doesn't remember much about that night but that first second inside of her is like crystal in its clarity in his mind. Everything from that moment on is in sharp technicolor in his brain, how her body felt against his, beneath his, her little grunts and whimpers and screams, her nails digging into his skin. His little Miray was an absolute wildcat in bed. He doesn't know why he was surprised by that. She gives all of herself in life, it made sense that that would translate to the bedroom as well. The marks have long since faded but he remembers getting so hard when he saw them in the bathroom the next day, that he had to jerk off, hangover and all, in the shower.

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