Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One

I'd do anything for love...

Boran is sitting on the front steps of Kubilay's house, of what had once been her home. Miray gives a panicked look around, surprised that there's no paparazzi for once. Alihan had refused to go to his grandmother's, throwing a rare tantrum because he wanted to see his daddy who he hasn't seen in nearly a week. Miray decides at the last minute to bring him along because it might keep Kubilay and Boran from killing each other if the little boy is present.

Her heart drops into her stomach as she takes in his appearance. He's holding his head in his hands and it lifts when he hears her approach. His face is pale and his eyes are red and glistening when they meet hers.

He blinks in surprise when he sees Alihan is with her.

"What did you do?" Miray asks, rushing up to him.

Boran closes his eyes and shakes his head. "He said no...I told him..." He stops and looks at Alihan. "What's he doing here? I thought you'd stay watching him."

"I didn't trust you not to do something stupid after you found out what happened. What happened?" Miray insists.

Alihan tugs on Miray's hand. "Let's go inside and see Daddy!"

Boran gives Miray a warning look. She glares at him right back. What did you do, her expression demands.

Before they can stop him, Alihan breaks free and rushes past them to the door, knocking enthusiastically. "It's me, Daddy! Open up the door!"

Kubilay opens the door and his face lights up when he sees Alihan but flickers with annoyed confusion when he sees Boran and Miray. "What are you still doing here?" He asks Boran before hugging Alihan tightly.

Boran clenches his jaw but doesn't turn around to look at him.

"Take him inside," Miray urges to Kubilay, motioning towards Alihan.

He gives her a look she doesn't understand but pulls Alihan into the house and closes it behind him.

"Okay, tell me," Miray urges Boran once they are alone. She leans downs on the step in front of him. "What on Earth are you doing here?"

Boran touches her face softly. "Alihan told me what happened to you? He even confessed to throwing the rock at the old bitch and said you told him he shouldn't have done that but that he wasn't the least bit sorry." The corner of his mouth lifts at that. "What happened to you was my fault."

Miray opens her mouth to protest but he lifts his hand.

"I know you're going to say it's both of us but... the fact is I was the one who put that boundary up between us and I was the one who blew it apart."

"Boran, you were drunk. We both were. There's no more blame or less blame. Damn it, I'm not some fucking angel that everyone seems to think I am. I'm a human being."

He swallows. "I know, but-"

She cups his face impatiently. "Why are you here?"

Boran takes a shaky breath. "You know I think we should leave and try over somewhere else. I don't want you and Alihan to deal with anymore of this ugliness. It will be better if we go somewhere no one knows us, at least for a while, but I know that you are torn because of Alihan and Kubilay. He said if I tried to take Alihan away he'll hate me." His eyes fill and Miray's unease grows. "I told him if he agrees to a divorce then, I'll let him stay as Alihan's father. Alihan will never know any different."

Miray's face drains of all colour and she wants to scream. "No..." the word comes out soft despite her horror. "Tell me you didn't say that... Tell me you're not willing to..."

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