Chapter Thirty Three

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Forever I am yours and eternally you are mine...

'Uncle Bobo' becomes 'Papa'. Alihan asks if it's okay if he gives Boran a different name and if he keeps 'Daddy' for Kubilay. Miray wonders if eventually he'll outgrow it and become comfortable with just thinking of Boran as his father but she doesn't want to push Alihan into thinking he has to choose between the two men.

Boran says he doesn't mind. 'Hearing him call me 'Papa'... I never dreamed I'd have that. Never dreamed I'd even want it... it's everything. It's enough," he assures her. Watching the two of them together, Miray's heart is full to bursting with happiness.

Boran continues working on the cottage with his friends and can do more now that he's fully recovered. Alihan helps and Miray loves watching them. Identical dark curly heads bent together over this or that task.

"He's so smart," Boran tells her, his voice a little awestruck with pride as they sit outside in the darkness, Alihan fast asleep inside. "Are all boys that smart at his age? Seven? I don't think so, right? I don't remember being that smart at his age. I rarely have to explain what I need him to do more than once. If he doesn't understand, I show him and he picks it up like that." He snaps his fingers with a bright smile. "I think he's special, right?"

Miray leans her head on his shoulder with an indulgent smile. "He's very special." She feels him chuckle beneath her cheek and kiss the crown of her head. He's quiet for a few moments, smoking in the darkness, he's down to just one cigarette after dinner, before speaking again.

"We have to leave."

Her belly tightens with a fist of dread. Boran has mentioned it before but she's always changed the subject, dodged the topic. Turkey is her home. It's his home. Alihan's home. She doesn't want to leave. Things have gotten worse now that the three of them are living together. The cottage is still their refuge from the tabloids, but anytime they leave, anytime they have to run errands or visit family or friends, the hatred spewed their way is rising. She's the whore who left her husband and he is the scum who corrupted 'Turkey's Sweetheart'. Miray's career has been built on cute, sweet, heroic characters that fans can look up to and adore. Her agent had always cautioned her against taking 'darker' roles when she wanted to try something different and now that reputation has been destroyed. No studio would touch her. Boran's situation is even worse than hers, having been the 'instrument of her downfall'. There is no work coming. Boran's agent once again brought up the idea of finding him work outside of Turkey. He's sure he could get him meetings with casting directors in the States. They need to make a decision now, before Alihan has to go back to school. Miray dreads Alihan's reaction if they have to move away from Kubilay. The tabloids have been especially insatiable whenever Alihan would visit Kubilay, whether Miray was taking him or one of her family members. They couldn't go on like this.

"When I told Kubilay I'd give up all claim to Alihan if he divorced you, set you free, he told me to go fuck myself." Boran says softly. "He agreed that we needed to leave though. He knows this is only going to get worse for Alihan. I think he'll help us with Alihan, help him understand that we have to leave."

Miray shivers despite the summer night air. The idea of leaving everything she's ever known to start a new life in a foreign country terrifies her. There's a bit of excitement in it too though and Miray holds onto that to give her courage. She looks at Boran and strokes his cheek. As much as he hates Kubilay, he'd go to him for help with their son. He'd do that for their family. He looks at her. She presses her lips to his. She will do the same. "Let's go. Let's leave. Together."

Boran gives a little start of surprise next to her and he cups her face, his eyes intent on hers. "You're sure?"

"No," she admits with a shaky little laugh. "But I want to try, with you, with our son. I want to rebuild a life and we can't do that here now."

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