Chapter One

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Got everyone watching us, so baby let's keep it secret

It happens by accident the first time. If such a thing can ever be done 'by accident'. So many have used the same excuse and Miray had always found such a statement laughable, but she can't think of any other way to explain what had happened. She had no intention of sleeping with him. Ever. They are friends. Good friends. A strong bond developed between them as co stars who played lovers. The first role of its kind for them both. Maybe that was why. It had been new territory for them both in this crazy career they had grown up in, her especially. She'd been barely out of toddlerhood when she first appeared on screen. The show has been over for almost two years now and while they all have kept in touch this will be the first time the two of them have been in the same room outside of work related press.

Miray wasn't even sure she'd be able to make Boran's birthday party, shooting for her new show running later into the night. She wants to see him though so she makes the long drive by herself, her boyfriend Kubilay unable to join her because he's shooting something out of town. He sends his birthday wishes with her to pass along. She makes it to the bar and the place is already packed and they're halfway through a chorus of 'Happy Birthday' as she struggles past the tall bodies to find him. He's tall, over six feet so that helps, also that he is the center of attention but a few friends stop her progress by greeting her, exclaiming their surprise and delight that she was able to make it.

Finally she makes it to the front and he sees her. Even in the dark lighting it seems to her that his face lights up even more and she gives him an answering smile before he blows out his candle. He makes it over to her a few moments later. Boran envelopes her a hug that picks her up off the floor for a second. She's used to that little shiver that goes through her when she's pressed against his long, lean body. A nice little hum moves through her blood. She never really thought of it as attraction. She can acknowledge he is one of the most beautiful men she'd ever seen. It's definitely helped his career. Miray might have entertained a crush on him when they started filming but despite the romance of their scenes, he'd only ever treated her like a little sister so Miray pushed aside those feelings telling herself they were just fantasies because he was seven years older than her and always seemed such a fascinating man despite having an impossibly goofy side as well. It was that side that helped help to nurture the friendship between them and allowed it to grow. When Kubilay, a fellow actor on the same show showed interest in her, Miray thought why not? It would be the perfect way to keep her from mooning over Boran by giving her heart to a relationship rooted in reality and Miray knew she'd made the right choice. She loved her boyfriend and Boran and she were able to remain friends even if there personalities could not be more different.

Boran squeezes her tight and has to yell to be heard above the crowd. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

His exuberance at her presence makes her chest warm and she kisses his cheek. He smells smoky and sweet and slightly sweaty from the heat of so many bodies in a packed space. She wonders if he's been out on the dance floor yet. He can be a bit more reserved than she is and it takes him a few alcoholic beverages before he can be persuaded to dance. "Happy birthday," she says when he loosens his grip and she takes a step back but doesn't move out of his arms just yet.

"What did you get me this year? A planet?" He teases, though she knows how much he loved the actual star she got named after him for a previous birthday.

She can't resist. "Sure, guess which one?"

He bursts out laughing as he follows her line of thought. She has his actual gift in her purse, an engraved pocket watch with the word 'Azalea' inside the gold lid.

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