Chapter Twenty Six

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What hurts the most was being so close...

"Why did you marry me?" Miray asks him softly. She doesn't know how they ended up in the prayer room but it somehow seems appropriate. There can be no lies in here.

Kubilay exhales, not looking at her for a long time, his gaze forward. "Because I loved you. Why else do people get married?"

She gives him a pointed look. "Any number of reasons. You know that."

He snorts bitterly. "You mean because you married me because you were pregnant?"

Miray swallows. The time for lies is over. She doesn't know what will happen when Boran wakes up, but regardless, her marriage is over. She doesn't want to be married anymore. At least not to this man. "Yes." She looks at him. "But I did love you. I wanted to make us work. We had a good life."

"Except for the adultery thing," Kubilay sneers.

Miray grits her teeth but is unable to deny his words. "I loved you, but yes, I was in love with someone else and so...I can't deny what I did, nor can I regret it."

"Clearly since you continued to do it for the entirety of our marriage," he points out, glaring at her.

"No," Miray shakes her head. "Boran and I weren't sleeping together the whole time."

Kubilay cocks an eyebrow. "Because he tossed you aside and went to Paris when he was done with you. That's when you decided to do your duty as my wife and honour your vows. Convenient."

Miray fists her hands in her lap. Her face burns, not with shame but with the way he makes what she and Boran have sound so tawdry. She tries to see things from his point of view. She tries so hard. How would she have felt if she had been the wronged wife? How would she have felt if the tables were turned? It was hard because... any romantic feelings she had for him were gone. What if it was Boran? If Boran had been the one to be unfaithful? Her soul recoils at the suggestion. He wouldn't. She loves him beyond all reason and logic but if he doesn't want her when he wakes up, he'll find someone else...Her Boran is not made to be a monk, but she doesn't think he'll ever have anything close to what they have. She knows she won't.

If he wakes up and does want her, does want a life with her, Miray knows he will be faithful to her body and soul.

"I'm sorry that my loving someone else meant I had to break vows I never should have made. I am sorry that I hurt you."

"Oh, that's supposed to make it alright then?" Kubilay glares at her.

Miray shakes her head. "I'm not trying to make it alright. The time for that is done. I'm trying to be honest. Lies brought us here. Lies brought Alihan to be in that operating room."

She sees Kubilay's eyes well up and is reassured by the emotion. He likes to protect himself with disdain and derision.

"I loved you. I didn't lie about that, but I married you for who you were, who we were together and the future we could have in this industry as a couple," Kubilay admits.

Miray should feel horrified, furious but she realizes that a part of her must have always known. Kubilay is talented, but she can't deny that once they married, the opportunities for better parts opened up much wider for him. "So we both came into this for the wrong reasons. Tell me you see that? Tell me you understand that we can't go on like this. I mean...don't you want to actually be happy?"

He narrows his eyes. "So you and Boran can ride off into the sunset with my son?"

Miray glares at him and she opens her mouth to remind him-

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