Chapter 3

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   In this room, it was filled with paintings and sculptures. They were looking around the room, approaching the painting that was titled, The Lady in Red.

(y/n)'s heart began to race as she felt paranoid. "Why do I have a feeling like this painting could come to life..?" As they turned around, the painting in fact did come to life as it started chasing them. "Oh shhh- Shoot!"

   They were being chased by this psycho painting that was dragging itself across the floor. Ib noticed something on the ground as she started running back towards where they encountered the painting. "I think I see a key!"

  "Be careful, Ib!" She was eyeing where the painting was so she or Ib wouldn't get caught by it. (y/n) ran towards Ib as soon as she saw Ib grab the key, rushing straight to the door.

Ib unlocked the door as they both rushed in, (y/n) quickly slammed the door behind her. It was too soon for her to let out a sigh of relief as she heard banging on the door.

   The room they ran in had a variety of books. Ib went over to the other door, dangling the doorknob, confirming it was locked. "Where could the key be?"

   (y/n) was thinking to herself. "Maybe it's in the bookshelf somewhere..?" She wasn't quite sure herself, but she was going to take her own advice. Both (y/n) and Ib started searching the bookshelves as (y/n) opened the book, finding a sticky note in between. Having fun? "Nope." She put the book back into its place.

   "(y/n), look!" She went over to Ib, seeing that there was a book sticking out. Ib pulled out a book titled, Carrie Careless and the Galette des Rois.

   "As much as I love reading, we don't have the time to. Let's put it back." Ib listened as she put the book back. Ib then noticed one of the books sticking out, pushing it back in. The sound of the door unlocking could be heard.

   The next room was a narrow hallway with a left and right room. In front of them was a blue vase with a painting of the exact blue vase titled, Eternal Blessing.

(y/n) was thinking to herself as it looked like it had hit her. "Maybe it means this vase can unlimitedly heal our roses."

   Ib awed in amazement, looking like she understood. "I think we should go right."

   (y/n) nodded in response. "Alright. This time, I'll follow your lead, Ib." As they went into the next room, they saw a person lying face down on the ground. They slowly approached this unconscious person. As (y/n) was looking down at this person, a sense of familiarity hit her. "Um... Hello..? Are you alright..?"

   The person couldn't make out too many words as it sounded like he was in a lot of pain. "It hurts..."

   Ib saw that he was holding a key in his hands, carefully taking it from him. Ib turned to (y/n), giving her the key. (y/n) just blinked as she just witnessed a little girl easily take something from a grown man. "Well ok then... Ib, I think you should stay with this guy so you can check on his well-being. I'm going to check the left room." Ib nodded as she started staring at the fallen man.

(y/n) went over to the left room, seeing blue petals on the ground. She followed the trail of petals, seeing blood on the ground. It took her to where the Lady in Blue painting should be, but it wasn't there. "Uh oh..." She knew that this painting was on the loose. Her mind went to the more important matter. "I'm sure that guy has a rose too." She used the key to unlock the door that was nearby.

   Entering the room, she saw that the Lady in Blue was in there. It seemed like it was plucking petals from a blue rose. (y/n)'s eyes widen at the sight. "That must be his rose. No wonder he's in so much pain..." Gulping, (y/n) was carefully approaching the painting.

   The painting saw her as it dropped the rose, and started going after her. (y/n) let out a scream as she was trying to get away from it, and trying to get the blue rose. She got hurt a couple times, seeing a couple of her own petals fall off. She successfully got the blue rose as she bolted out of there.

   As she got out of the room, the painting crashed through the window as it started chasing after her. "No! Fuck you! Get the fuck away from me!" (y/n) was running so fast as she slammed the door behind, panting hard.

   Letting out a sigh, she made her way over to where the blue vase was, putting both hers and the blue rose in. The petals magically grew back on the rose. (y/n) felt herself heal as the wounds the painting inflicted on her instantly went away.

A Rose's Purpose - Garry x Reader (Ib) Where stories live. Discover now