Chapter 9

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They entered the room that was somewhat empty with doors at every corner. They went towards one door that was locked as Garry tried to open it. "Hm... This door seems strangely cold..."

(y/n) had a bad feeling as she grabbed his wrist that was touching the door, making him let go of it. "Let's just not go in there. Let's go somewhere else."

They walked down the hall towards another door. Next to the door was of course the doll. I'll always be with you... My home is just nearby...

(y/n) gulped as she stood close to Garry in fear. Garry closed his eyes, wanting nothing more to do with the doll. "Let's go in this room, (y/n)."

Inside the room were seven empty pedestals. On the wall was a giant pallet with a sign underneath it. They went over to it as they read it together. Collect the seven balls of paint... Then the room will be colored, and your bridge will be made. (y/n) tilted her head in confusion. "What does this even mean?"

"I'm not so sure myself, but I wonder where they are. It looks like we have to find them."

They exited out of the room, seeing something down the hall. They went over to it as (y/n) leaned down to it. "This looks like a ball of paint." As soon as she touched it, it vanished into thin air, making her jaw drop. "Whoa..."

Garry smiled at her. "Good job, (y/n). You got one. Now we have six left to go."

(y/n) stood back up, smiling back. "Yeah! Let's go find these balls of paint!" She felt Garry's hand envelope onto hers. (y/n) looked down, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks. She looked up, seeing Garry smiling at her.

"I think it's best if we're like this. I do not wish to lose you." Hearing those words made (y/n)'s heart skip a beat, feeling like she was on cloud nine. Nodding in response, Garry started leading her towards the other side of the room.

On the other side of the room, there were a couple of paintings. Both of them were looking at them, laying their eyes on a painting titled, Juggling. Suddenly, the painting started talking. "What year was I born?"

(y/n) went wide eyed as she looked down. "Oh shit... I don't know the answer!"

Garry looked like he was thinking to himself. "Hm... I did do some research before coming into the gallery. I think I remember the year... I believe it was 6223."

There was a silence before the painting spoke up. "C-o-r-r-e-c-t!" A ball of paint fell out of the painting.

Garry touched the ball of paint, making it vanish by his touch. "Two down, five to go."

(y/n) was staring at a door that was behind them. "Maybe there's a ball of paint in there."

"Let's check." They entered the room, which was fogged up with red smoke. They started to cough as they covered their nose and mouth with their arm. "Oof... What's with this room?!"

(y/n) was coughing, not wanting to breathe in this weird air. "I don't know, but something tells me we shouldn't be in here long."

Garry saw a ball of paint not too far from them. "I'm going to get that ball of paint. You wait right there." As soon Garry was walking towards the ball of paint, his petals started falling. (y/n) was standing there, looking around with her eyes. She then spotted a red umbrella that was only a few steps away. Eyeing Garry who had made it to the ball of paint, (y/n) moved over towards the umbrella, making some of her petals fall. She quickly grabbed the umbrella as she rushed back towards the door. Garry rushed over to her, coughing violently. "(y/n)! Let's get out of here!" He grabbed her hand as they quickly got out of there.

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