Chapter 5

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They made it into a room full of paintings with ladies that (y/n) and Ib encountered earlier. Ib tugged on Garry's arm, looking up at him with her big eyes. "Are these paintings going to come alive again?"

Garry's eyes wavered as he began to sweat nervously. "I believe so if we're not careful..."

They heard a crash as they saw a painting come to life. (y/n) let out a scream, panting hard. "No! I don't want to be in here!"

Hearing the anxiety in her voice had Garry grab her hand. She looked up at him, her face full of fear. "We'll stick together. I know it's scary, but... We'll get through this." Feeling her hand being held was calming her down as she nodded.

They made their way deeper into the room, trying to get away from the painting. They stood in front of a painting of a hanged man. (y/n) blinked at it, looking like it was familiar. "Where have I seen this..?"

"Ah." Garry grunted out. "It's one of the paintings from the gallery." (y/n) then remembered seeing it, but was embarrassed to admit that she didn't really pay attention to it. "Look. There's numbers on his shirt."

(y/n) was making a mental note of the numbers. "5629. It's most likely a pass code on a door, considering Ib and I done something like this before."

They made it over to a door that required a four digit number. (y/n) was putting in the numbers she remembered from the painting, but nothing happened. Scratching her head in confusion, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned her head to see Garry. "I think you have the right idea, (y/n). But maybe if we flip the numbers..." He started to put in the numbers, 6295. The sound of the door unlocked. "As I thought."

(y/n) slightly blushed, embarrassed that she didn't figure it out the first time. "Thanks..."

The room inside had a stool with a canvas. A paint pallet was floating, making it seem like someone was there. Ib was staring at the floating pallet in awe. Garry was staring at the canvas, seeing that there was something painted on it. On the other hand, (y/n) was looking around with her eyes as she placed her weight on a small table with a vase. The next thing she knew, it moved on its own, making her fall flat on her bottom. Garry and Ib saw her fall as they made their way over there.

Garry helped her up carefully as Ib looked at her with worry. "Are you alright, (y/n)?"

(y/n) hissed in pain as she rubbed the bottom of her back. "That seriously hurt..."

Ib saw a dark spot where the four legs of the table could fit. She started pushing the small table with the vase towards the spot. The two watched her as they heard the sound of a door unlocking. Ib turned to them with a smile. "I figured it out."

The both of them smiled as Garry spoke up. "Good job, Ib. You're a very smart girl." Outside of the room, they heard another crash.

Carefully coming out of the room, they saw a mannequin head right outside. (y/n)'s eyes widen at the sight. "They're following us..."

Garry saw the painting ladies drawing close. "We need to get moving!" He grabbed both of the girls' hands as he started running towards a door at the top right corner of the room.

Inside that room was a lone mirror. They walked over to it as they stared at their reflection. Ib was really short, as expected as she was only 9 years old. Garry was really tall that (y/n) came up to his shoulders. (y/n) just blinked, confused about what they were supposed to be doing. "I guess this is it..? Let's go baaaa..." She turned around as she said the last sentence, seeing a mannequin head blocking the door. "Oh my god!"

A Rose's Purpose - Garry x Reader (Ib) Where stories live. Discover now