Chapter 15

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The next day, (y/n) was putting in extra effort on herself. She was trying to make her hair look nice, putting on makeup, and trying to pick out a cute outfit. It felt like she was trying too much, but she wanted to look good for her date. Looking at herself in the mirror, (y/n) grabbed her small satchel as she headed out towards the door.

(y/n) arrived at the area where there was a café and a huge park with a huge field and gravel paths. She was looking around with her eyes, spotting the familiar purple hair. (y/n) was admiring from afar as Garry was staring off into the distance. He was wearing a more formal outfit as it wasn't torn clothes. He was also holding a bouquet of flowers. Feeling nervous, (y/n) made her feet start walking towards Garry.

Garry heard footsteps walking towards him as he turned towards the owner. His eyes widen as a blush appeared on his cheeks. (y/n) pushed a section of her hair behind her ear, feeling shy. "Hi... You look really nice..."

Garry was too nervous to speak as he gave her a smile. "Good afternoon. My... You look very lovely."

"Thank you..."

Garry handed her the bouquet, (y/n) happily accepted the beautiful flowers. "For you."

(y/n) smelled the sweet aroma of the flowers, a smile appearing on her face. "Thank you so much... They're really pretty."

Garry extended his hand out towards her. "Shall we?" Feeling shy, (y/n) took his hand as he led her inside the café.

Inside the café, Garry had ordered for both him and (y/n) as he also paid as well. (y/n) had suggested to pay for her portion, but Garry insisted that he would pay for her.

They sat at table, placing their drinks and tiny bags of macaroons on the table as well as the bouquet. (y/n) took out a macaroon out of the bag, staring at it. "You're right. It does look like a hamburger."

"What are you waiting for? Give it a try." (y/n) took her first bite, her face lighting up. Garry smiled at her reaction. "How is it?"

(y/n) nodded as she took another bite. "This is delicious!" She just ate the whole thing at once as it was small enough to do so. "How did I go through my entire life not eating this? I sure missed out."

Garry softly chuckled under his breath. "Now you know how they taste like. Go ahead and eat another." (y/n) nodded as she ate another one, not caring how much she was eating.

Garry had taken a sip of his tea, taking a sneak peek of (y/n) who was still eating to her heart's content, making him smile. (y/n) drank some of her tea as she let out a satisfied sigh. "That was good."

Garry just blinked, staring at her side of the table. "You're finished already?"

"Oh... Yeah..." (y/n) looked down, feeling embarrassed that she had already eaten all of her food. It felt like she wasn't being very ladylike as she looked up at Garry. "I'm sorry if my fast eating took you by surprise..."

Shaking his head with a smile, Garry took another sip of tea before answering. "There's no need to apologize, (y/n). That just means you really enjoyed it. That's all that matters."

(y/n) felt herself blush as she took a sip of her tea shyly. "It was really delicious..." During that time, they got into a deep conversation about the gallery.

With both of them finished, they walked out towards the park. The scenery was very green as there many trees, so much grass covered the land. They were walking for a little while until they found a bench.

At the same time, they sat down on the wooden bench. Garry started to take off his jacket, putting it over (y/n)'s shoulders. "It's a little chilly even when the skies are clear."

(y/n) pulled the jacket close to her, softly smiling. "Thank you..." Smoothly, Garry put his arm behind her while resting it on the bench. She looked towards him, staring at his face. Paying attention to his features, (y/n) felt a blush appear on her face. "Uh... Garry?"

Letting out a hum, Garry looked at her curiously. "Yes, (y/n)? What is it?"

Tightening her hands together nervously with the bouquet, (y/n) closed her eyes as she let out a sigh. Opening her eyes once more, (y/n) looked at Garry directly in the eye. "I... Really like you..."

Hearing that made Garry blush as he scratched his face shyly with his free hand. "Oh really..? I-I feel the same way about you..."

(y/n) let out a laugh through her nose. "We've been through so much together, despite being strangers at first." She smiled to herself, feeling nervous about what she wanted to ask. "So... Does this mean we can be a couple?"

A blush appeared on Garry's face as he nodded. "Yes. I would like to call you mine."

Smiling big, (y/n) rested her head on Garry's shoulder. "I'm already yours, Garry."

(y/n) felt Garry rest his head on hers, hearing his breathing. His arm pulled her close to him as he enveloped her in an embrace. "I love you..."

"I love you too..." For a while, the new couple were cuddling with each other on the bench.

Even when the wind was cold, their warmth heated them up. Having their eyes closed, the sound of the wind blowing, and even the sounds of their heartbeats made this day all the worthwhile.

Walking together hand in hand, they had spent the entire day together until the sun went down. At the end of the date, they shared a kiss under the sunset. They were going to see each other again soon, already planning another date in the near future.

The End

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