Missing Hoddie (non killers)

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Zack's pov

I slowly sat up feeling the warmth next to me missing. I turned to look down to my right to see Y/N gone. I groaned as I looked at the alarm clock 7:26am. Where the fuck was that little brat. I slid off our shared bed and looked for my hoodie. First my girlfriend now my hoodie..
I headed down the hall and checked every room til I reached the kitchen. There she stood in my hoodie and pajama shorts. She was humming as she cooked breakfast. I walked over to her wrapping my arms around her waist and hugging her close.
"You steal my heart." I sighed as she looked up at me "Now my hoodie? Not cool."
"You stole my heart too." She giggled as she finished off the last pancake she was cooking "And it was cold this morning! I wanted to surprise you. I thought I do something nice."
I smiled down at her before kissing her lips as she turned to face me. I slid my hands under my hoodie and growled when I realized she wasn't wearing her night shirt.
"Sorry love." She smirked evil as she pulled back "Maybe after breakfast."
She sent me a wink as she grabbed two plates and headed to the table. I swear she's a pain sometimes, but Y/N dose look hot in my hoodie.

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