Fighting Back (Nonkiller reader)

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Y/N's pov
Part 2 of You're Back

  I was cleaning up the house as Ray and Zack where out killing. The two of them had found me about a year ago after escaping the murder building. I was shocked a bit finding out that Ray was a killer along with Zack. But I knew I was safe with them around, at least that's what I thought.
I froze hearing a window break in the back of the house. I grabbed the pocketknife off my dresser Zack had given me and headed out to investigate. Two men in black walked through the living room as I gripped my knife tighter.
The two men walked around grabbing anything they could find valuable and shoved it into a bag. I growled lowly before slowly moving closer to the men. One of the men turned and saw me, before he could move I punched him in the face and held my knife to his throat.
"Either of you move!" I hissed "He's dead!"
Moments later the guy in my arms kicked my leg making me lose my balance. The bigger man out of the two held my hands behind my back as the one I had a minute earlier pulled rope out of his duffle bag. I was shoved into one of the kitchen chairs as I kick and yelled before my hands were tied. After my arms were rendered useless the bigger guy held my feet down as the other one tied them to the chair legs.
"Assholes." I growled "Get the fuck out of my house!"
"Such a dirty mouth." One chuckled "Maybe I should teach you some manners." He tried to reach for one of my breasts before I spit in his face "You bitch!" He yelled slapping my cheek.
"You fucking pig!" I yelled "Don't fucking touch me! If my roommates come back you're dead!"
"If they do." The one who slapped me smirked "It won't take me long to finish teaching you a lesson."
I held a smirk on my face confusing the two men. Before they could question it one had a gun to their head and the other a scythe to their neck.
"Told you." I chuckled "You were dead if my roommates came home."
Before the men could do a thing the gun went off and the sound of flesh being cut was heard. The two men fell dead to the floor before Zack ran to me and untied my arms and legs.
"You okay?" He asked in worry "Did they hurt you?"
"Only a little." I sighed hugging my boyfriend of five months "I'm okay. I'm just glad you got here when you did."
"So am I." He muttered kissing my head "By the look of the bloody nose on the smaller guy, you put up a fight."
"Learned from the best." I giggled kissing his lips "Let's get rid of these bodies. Ugh I just mopped this floor."
"Sorry Y/N." My sister said "Im glad you're safe though."
I nodded my head before the three of us worked on getting rid of the bodies. Hope no ones dumb enough to rob a house with two killers in it again.

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