Leave Her Alone

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Y/N's pov

  I smiled a my younger sister and her friend Zack. I thought I had lost her when my parents had passed away years ago, but I was happy to have her back in my life. It had been two months since her and Zack has come to live with me.
  "Y/N?" Ray asked "Are you okay? You have a few bruises on your arm."
  "Y-Yeah!" I smiled nervously, the makeup must of come off as I washed dishes "I'm okay! Wasn't paying attention yesterday and rammed my arm against the car door."
  She just looked at me but nodded. I sighed before she walked up to her room as Zack walked in. He sent me a smirk before going to grab a bag of chips and some soda. For a serial killer he was very sweet towards me. My sister had told me the real reason our parents had died and what had happed when I was in college. I understood the darkness in this world more then most and from Zack's back story understood why he turned to killing also.
  It was an hour later when the front door was thrown open and I felt my body freeze. He wasn't supposed to be here!
  "Y/N Babe! Where are you!" My boyfriend yelled, I froze in fear, I had convinced him somehow not to come over for the past two months but now I was scared "Who the fuck are you?!"
  "Y/N!" Ray said running downstairs "What's going on?"
  "Go back upstairs okay!" I said "I can handle this!"
  "Her roommate." I could hear Zack say in a bored tone "You?"
  "Her boyfriend!" He growled before walking into the kitchen "Why the fuck is there another man here!"
  "H-he's a friend of my sister.." I muttered "They've been living here for two months.."
  "Have you been cheating?" He hissed grabbing my arm as Zack and Ray walked in I shook my head no "Use your words bitch!"
  "No!" I yelled as he slapped me "Please not in front of them!"
  "Hey asshole!" Zack growled "Are you the reason she's covered in bruises. Y/N might think we don't see it but we do!"
  "She's my property!" My boyfriend yelled "I can treat her as I want!"
  "You know what I hate more then liars?" Zack laughed picking up a knife from the block it was in "People how hurt women. It sickens me. How this angel has but up with you is way what's the word oh beyond me!"
  Before anyone could move Zack had stabbed the man in the throat. I watched him hit the ground as a feeling of peace fell upon me.
  "You saved me!" I cried hugging Zack "Thank you!"
  "I hope he rots in hell." Zack spat hugging me back tightly "You're safe now.."

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