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Y/N's pov

Ever since I was little I've had this power to detect how dangerous a person is. A three year old would be a 1 and a trained man will weapons and in the army would be a 7. I was walking down the halls with my friend (f/n) heading to my English class. Once I got to class I noticed two new people, a girl with blonde hair that looked around 14, she must be smart being in senior English, and a man covered in bandages that look around 19. What shocked me was the girl measured an 8 in danger and the boy a 10.
The only seat left was the one between the boy and girl. I walked over and sat between the two of them. Could the bandages be a reason why his danger level is super high?
  "We have two new students." Our teacher spoke, her score was a 4 "This is Rachel and Zack, please make them feel welcomed."
  "Why the hell you dressed like that?" A boy yelled out "Halloween isn't for a few more weeks you mummy!"
  Before anyone could do anything a pen was thrown at the boy grazing his cheek and cutting it. Everyone in the class froze and I looked up at Zack. He had great accuracy, but he must do more then that. Let's just say both boys were sent to the office after the incident.
  "Your friend." I said to Rachel "Is interesting."
  "I guess." She sighed "I didn't catch your name."
"Oh I'm Y/N." I smiled "Nice to meet you."
I was heading home, late after play practice. It was already dark and for some reason I thought walking through an alley was smart. I was halfway through when I was grabbed. I turned to see a gross looking man with a score of 6 holding me. I tried to pull back out of his grip but he pinned me to the wall. I was about to scream when he shoved a cloth down my throat and gripped both my hands in one of his.
  "So beautiful." He muttered, his breath reeked of alcohol "I'm gonna have fun with you!"
  Before he could do anything I felt his body ripped off mine. I pulled the gag out of my mouth and turned to see the new kids behind me. Zack grabbed the guy and was beating him as Rachel came over to me.
  "Y/N?" She said "You okay?"
  "I am now." I sighed "Thanks to you guys. That creep was about to do something that I don't even wanna think about!"
  I turned to look back at Zack seeing the man on the ground unconscious. Who where these two?
  "You guys are different." I said "Your danger rating is higher then anyone's I've ever seen."
  "Huh?" Zack spoke, I had never heard him speak "What the fuck you going on about?"
  "Oh I was born with a gift to see people danger scores." I said "You two are the highest I've ever seen. Rachel you're an 8 and Zack you're a 10. The guy you just knocked out is a 6."
  "Interesting." Rachel said "Zack this is Y/N the girl I was telling you about. I knew she was different."
  "Thank you for saving me!" I smiled "I hope I get to understand you guys in the future. But I'm gonna be late home. I'll cya tomorrow I guess." I was about to run off when I ran up to Zack and kissed his bandaged cheek "Thanks for saving me!"
  I chuckled at his facial expression as I headed home. I hope I get to understand those two better and them the same for me. Maybe it was faith for us to meet.

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