I'm Broken

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Y/N's pov

"You've always been a failure."
"Why were you born?"
"You've been a mistake since birth!"
"Worthless whore!"
"I wish you never had been born!"
"You're not my daughter!"
  I was curled up on my bed crying my eyes out, the words from my parents and friends filling my head. I held my knees tightly as the front door opened.
  "Babe!" My boyfriend Zack called "We're back!"
  "You killed them you monster!" A voice in my head cackled "Your friends! Your parents! You monster!"
  "They hurt me!" I cried "They hurt me!"
  The bedroom door slammed open and I looked up seeing a worried Zack and Ray. Zack ran to me, pulling me into his arms as I cried.
  "I'm a monster.." I muttered "Why do you stay with me.. After all I've done?"
  "Babe I know how dead you feel inside, how worthless you feel. You did nothing wrong, the world fucked us up." Zack muttered kissing my head "You know how I know this? Because I went through the same shit."
  "It doesn't matter what I do!" I cried as he held me close Ray grabbing one of my hands "No matter what! If I'm not hurting myself I'm hurting others! I'm hurting you! I'm broken!"
  "For fucks sake!" Zack yelled lifting my chin up "You wanna know something. I'm as broken as you are. I'm scared like you, of everything. I'm scared of messing up, getting caught, touching you! I'm terrified I'll hurt you. But I'm still here, holding you because no matter how scared or broken I am I have you. Ray cares too! We love you Y/N!"
  "He's right." Ray said "You May of killed those people but they hurt you. Hurt you to the point of snapping. They can't hurt you anymore."
  "You're the only god damn thing good in my life." Zack muttered kissing my cheek "You keep this broken man alive. I hope to do the same for you."
  I nodded my head before hiding my face in his jacket. He gently rubbed my back as I slowly calmed down. I'm Broken but so are they.

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