Chapter Four: A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves!

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"Tessa here at point D." I said into my headset.

"Sasuke. I'm at point B."

"Sakura. I'm at point C."

"Naruto, I'm at point A. Believe it."

"Too slow, Naruto." Kakashi said. "Okay, squad seven-hm?" he stopped. Suddenly, the bushes moved, our target jumping out. "The target has moved! Follow it!" All four of us instantly moved, me, not quite as fast. We all stood, hiding behind trees, waiting for the signal.

"Over there!" Naruto whispered.

"What's your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked.

"Five Meters. I'm ready, just give the signal." Naruto said.

"I'm ready too." Sasuke said.

"So am I." Sakura said. I didn't say anything.

"!" Naruto jumped out, catching the cat, holding it.

"I got it, I got it!!" the cat meowed and cried, trying to struggle out of his grip.

"Can you verify ribbon on right ear?" Kakashi asked.

"Affirmative, we've got a positive I.D." Sasuke said, holding his hand to his headset.

"Right. Lost pet Tora captured. Mission accomplished." Kakashi confirmed.

"Can't we get a mission better than this?! I hate cats!!" Naruto shouted in the headset.

When we went to the Hokage's office, we returned the cat, getting the money. I was so glad to be done with that mission.

"Now then, for squad seven's next mission, we have several available tasks. Among them, babysitting the chief counselor's three year old, helping his wife to do the shopping, digging up potatoes in the-"

"NOOOOO!!" Naruto and I growled.

"I wanna go on a real mission!!" Naruto yelled. "Something challenging and exciting, not this little kid stuff! Come on, old man!" I agreed. We were ninja, not babysitters. This was ridiculous. Kakashi sighed.

"I knew this was coming."

"How dare you?!" Iruka stood, yelling. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You're just a brand new genin with no experience! Like everyone else, you start with simple missions to develop your skills and prove yourself!!"

"Are you serious?! Babysitting is not a mission, its just a stupid-" Kakashi hit Naruto on the head.

"Will you put a lid on it?" He said.

"He has a point." I said, putting my hands on my hips. "This is ridiculous, we're getting nowhere with these missions. We're ninja who need to learn how to fight better, not babysitters."

"Naruto, Tessa! It seems you do not understand the tasks you have been given. Listen, many..." I sighed. I didn't want to listen to him explaining the whole mission rank thing. I already knew this, and I'm pretty sure everyone else but Naruto knew. Meanwhile, Naruto was talking about Ramen, before the Hokage told him to shut up.

"You always lecture me like you're my grandfather or something!!" Naruto yelled. "But I'm not the little brat who used to pull pranks all the time, I'm a ninja now, and I want a ninja mission!" They continued talking, and blah blah blah. Then I heard we were gonna be bodyguards.

"Send in our visitor!" The door slid open, and an old man with a alcohol bottle walked in.

"What the- A bunch a little snot nosed kids?" He asked, and then took a long drink. He leaned against the door frame. "And you, the little one, with the idiot look on his face, you really expect me to believe you're a ninja?" Naruto started laughing.

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