Part 1

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3rd person's pov

Its winter night. A certain red haired man with heterochromatic eyes having one red and tje other one is Gold, wearing a formal clothes with a Red scarp around his neck is currently walking on the street towards his Building, his Company.

The building of this comapny is kot far away from his favorite bar so it isn't necessary to ride a car to go there.

Now he was just from the bar and was walking towards the company when his Cellphone ring.

He lool at the caller and saw it was his old friend.

Midorima, Shintarou

He then answer it.

"Good Evening akashi." The other line said.

"Good Evening as Well Shintarou." The owner of the phone or Akashi did say.

"Where are you currently?" The other line asked.

"Walking towards the my Company. I just went to a bar to pass out time. "

"Your office is more than ok go pass time. No one dare to disturb you."

"Well, they still gonna bother me if they know that I'm there."

"Are drunk perhaps?"

"Slightly. I'm not that drunkyet"

"Sleep with anyone?"

Akashi chuckle a bit and gave a sad smile. "You know I can't do that right?"

"Yes, because You still can't forget him even he already left you."

"His Still here, Inside Shintarou."

Akashi thought that since he was a kid. Shinatarou was his best friend already. A Trustable friend to keep all his secret with. But so Akashi never found his Childhood friend as the one he likes romantically. Because since they are child Akashi knows that the one who Shintarou like was that annoying current boyfriend of his.

And Akashi found his true love when he was in middle school but it slip away when they graduated collage. But for Akashi, Theres no person in this world that him alone. Akashi won't love or sleep with anyone but him because he is the only person who he wanted to hold and be his.

Akashi shook his head to get those sad memories out of his mind.

"Why'd you suddenly call?"

"Well, I'm currently at your office to give you some documents that my Dad wanted me to gave you."

"I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Ok then, I'll wait."

Then the call ended.

After that Akashi Seijuro hurry up and walk towards his Company. But he suddenly heard a sound of a trash can that just fell down. That sound make him stop in the track.

He look at the direction of the sound and it leads to the dark alley.He shruh it and start walking again. "Probably some street cat or something," akashi thought.

But when he heard a coughing sound. That get his attention. So he curiously/unconsciously approach the dark alley where he heard the sound and as he walk further he saw a Kid.

If he guess this Kid is either 6-7 years old. Had red hair, White skin (very pale), wearing a normal clother with scarp and was lying in the ground lifeless.

Akashi approach the kid and set in his Arm and thights. He onserve that the kid's finger was already starting to turn purple, his breathing are very shallow.

But what Akashi was shock the most was the kid has blood in his side of the mouth and in the hand.

"Probably he got the blood in his hand from covering his mouth while coughing." Akashi though. He observe the kid again and he was shock. The kid happened to be look like him when he was still 7 years old. No doubt that this kid was his own mirror when he was 7.

How is this possible?

Akashi thought. But the kid then cough roughly for a short period of time. So Akashi quickly grab the kid bridal style, surprisingly the kid was light, Very very light like it was nothing. Akashi immediately brought the kid to his office. First thing he saw was the green haired man sitting in the Couch.

"Shintarou" akashi called with serious tone.

"Are you perhaps in a bad mood?" Midorima ask since he sense seriousness in Akashi's words. Not noticing the kid in Akashi's arms.

"No, I'm not but I found him in the dark alley near Here." Akashi said looking at the kid in his arms.

It took quite a few second for midorima to notice the kid. Midorima was shock a bit.

"You didn't tell me that you already have a child." Shintarou said.

Akashi walk towards the couch and set the fragile kid. Akashi quickly got a pillow from
The closet and a blanket.

Akashi was surprise in those words.

Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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