Part 42

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3rd person's pov

After the Kiss, Akashi cry infront of Tetsuya which Kuroko was so Shock. The Akashi Seijuro cry? Thats Nonsense, But Kuroko wasn't dreaming. His really seeing this.

"You... You don't know how Long I wanted to do that.." Akashi said.

"8 years." Kuroko said, His tears too can't seems stop flowing.

"Yes, 8 years. Thats How long you hurt me and Left me. Thats How long I hope for you to come back, To go back in My arms. Tetsuya.... Thats How long." Akashi said as he buried his face at Kuroko's shoulder.

"Sei-kun..., I'm sorry." Kuroko said.

"Pls I'm begging you, Come back to me. I'll do anything You wAnt, I'm begging you Tetsuya, Don't leave me ever again. Pls, I don't think I wanted to live in this Cruel Wold if ever your gonna leave me again." Akashi said.

"Sei... " Kuroko said then he tightened his hold on Akashi's hand.

"But aren't you already married?" Kuroko ask.

"No!" Akashi said then he look at Kuroko deep in the eyes.

"I did everything in my will to oppose my Father. I did everything so just all of those marriage proposals are to be cancelled. Because Marrying someone you don't love is a sin, beside the only person Who I love is you and Only You tetsuya. I love you more than myself. Your my everything." Akashi said, Tetsuya can't stop crying.

"I... I... I love you too Sei." Kuroko said.

"Then Why did you left me? We could raise this kids together, So Why? I thought you love me?" Akashi said.

"Because.... At the day Before your wedding. Your father talk to me." Kuroko said, and Akashi was shock.

"He talks about you being the next successor in the Akashi's family. He talks how you needed to marry someone to produce a heir, Without a Heir the Akashi legacy will be ruin. At that Time I don't know I was pregnant, So I believe in his words. But What make most believe in his words when he said, That you are famous in both business world and media, If the Society finds out your dating with A Guy.... Many Worst things can happened. Your reputation will be ruin. So If I really love you, I should think about what Life you should have in the Future. Then I think back, Your life will be better without me in it. Thats Why I brake up with you and leave you, Be a phantom and disappeared. I went to my grandmother at the country side. For 2 weeks I was feeling lost and about to die because I regret On leaving you, I intended to end my like. Sei.... I try to kill myself at that time... But then My grandmother stop me and brought me to the hospital and found out that I was pregnant. I told her that wasn't possible but seems It was. Then Thats the whole start of me living again, I like for both Seiji and Tetsuyana raise them as them now.... " Kuroko said and was looking down all the time tears were coming out of his eyes.

"My grandmother die 3 years ago, And her Last wish was to Atleast My Kids Let them know who there father is. Thats why I came to Kyoto to meet you once more. I'm sorry Akashi-kun, I'm so sorry That I was so selfish for all those years. I never thought your Hurting this way, I thought your already married and having a wonderful life... I'm sor sorry.." kuroko said and cry to the fullest.

Akashi was both angry about his father and hisself. His an idiot, How can he not know that time. How can he not chase Tetsuya after they Break up? How?

Akashi was hurting, but He knows Tetsuya was hurting more. Tetsuya Try to kill hisself for God's Sake. If it wasn't for both Seiji and Tetsuyana, Tetsuya might be dead right now. He might not here, safe and alive at Akashi's arms currently.

"I forgive you Tetsuya. Just Like how you Forgive me within those days I did awful things to you and to everyone else." Akashi said.

Tetsuya chuckle a little.

"I guess were even." Kuroko said.

Akashi then look at Tetsuya, Both of them were drowning at each others eyes. "Pls, Don't ever Leave me Ever again. I don't care about my reputation will be distroyed, Don't care about my Pride, Don't care about my Family. The Only Family I have is you, and the Kids. Thats all and nothing more. You and My Kids are my everything. My life and My love nothing else." Akashi said. "I love you Tetsuya. "

"Sei-kun...." Kuroko said and cry again.

"Shhh.. Stop Crying." Akashi said.

"I can't, I'm just so happy-" Kuroko was cut off by a Chase kiss. Kuroko close his eyes and wrap his arm around Akashi's neck and Akashi wrap his arm around Kuroko's waist. It seems that if he let go of his hand then Kuroko might disappear once more.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy it 💫😊😊


"This is so touching" kise said already Crying.

"Shut up idiot! We will be caught."  Aomine said.

"Be quiet they are having A Moment," Momoi said.

"Kuroko did really have kids. How amazing." Kagami said.

"Aquarius is rank at the most Luckiest horoscope today. That is nice." Midorima said.

"Truly those two kids are what can you call The 'Kiseki no Sedai'" Takao said happily.

Then the door that they were peaking at suddenly a Flying Scissors went pass them it Hit the door hard.

Both Akashi and Tetsuyana was glaring at Them. They gulp and scam away.

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