Part 21

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3rd person's pov

Akashi was bothered by it. The way Seiji plays basketball was just like Tetsuya when they first play, when he first met Tetsuya.

"Are seriously Gonna believe that This is all a Coincidence?" Momoi said.

"Yes, What other possible explanation for this?" Akashi said.

"I too believe what Akashi believe. Beside You forget that Seiji has a Mother and a Sister." Midorima said.

"But momoi-chin is right. Seiji-chin is a miracle don't you think? Seiji-chin look like Aka-chin but act like Kuro-chin." Murasakibara said.

"Seiji's mystery will only be solve if you guys met his parents or his sister." Aomine said.

"I can't believe that you have a Brain." Kagami said.

"Shut up! Atleast I did say something good." Aomine said.

"Right." Kagami said still doubting Aomine.

"When will you meet up with his family Akashi?" Midorima ask.

"Seiji said that if His sister will come back he will immediately introduce his sister to me." Akashi said.

"Then thats solve. We should also meet up with Seijicchi's sister too." Kise said happily.

"That will be nice." Takao said.

"Lets just wait for him a little bit longer." Akashi said.

Before anyone can reply, A phone in Akashi's table had rung.

Akashi look at the caller and he was shock.

Midorima knows that look.

"Your father?" Midorima said.

Akashi's mood change. He suddenly have a mood of annoyance.

"Tsk." Akashi said before he answer the call.

"Good day Father do you need something?" Akashi said.

"Seijuro? I heard that you took a day off in the company and cancel one of the important meetings." His father said.

Akashi sigh.

"Yes, Its just for a week." Akashi said.

"You shouldn't be slacking off, our company was just on the second ranking this year. Its consider as failure." His father again said. Akashi just roll his eyes and ignore this.

"Father, if your just gonna lecture me with this topic again. I'll hung up." Akashi said.

"Hmp, Seems you became more rebellious than I thought. But I let this one slide, Because In a month you will get married. And I'm not taking a No for this answer at all." His father said.

"I told you a million times I won't marry anyone." Akashi said.

"Doesn't matter if you love her or not, But you need a Heir to continue Akashi's blood line. Seijuro all of this are already set and that is final. Your gonna met up your future fiance two weeks from now on." His father said.

"Tsk, I'm not marrying anyone and thats Final." Akashi said.

Akashi was about to hung up the phone when his father spoke.

"I heard you took a stray child." Akashi was shock at his Father's words. Probably one of his butlers or maids did told his father because all of them are loyal to him.

"And? What if I did?" Akashi said.

"With my power and will, You know that I can make his family miserable." His father threatening.

His friends who heard that wants to speak, but they know what will come next if they did. Surely Akashi's father will make there lives miserable. He already did it once when they talk about This before.

When Akashi was getting married in the first place.

Thats where Akashi's life got more miserable. Because it was the start to why His Beloved Kuroko Tetsuya Did disappeared and until now no one knows where he is. No one knows where he went to. A phantom that completely disappeared.

Akashi then just throw his phone out of frustration.

"Akashi..." Momoi said sadly. They all feel sad with there friend being like this.

Akashi sigh a little bit. "Can you pls leave me alone for a moment." Akashi said to them pleading.

They all nod.

"But Akashi, Just remember that we will be always here with you." Midorima said.

"I know that and Thank you for that." Akashi said.

And they nod and existed Akashi's office. Akashi then gave a sad look. He open his drawer and saw a cute little Doll. A keychain to be exact. Next to it was a picture. The only Picture he only have as an memory of His Beloved.

Akashi look at this Picture and tears came flowing.

"Tetsuya...." Akashi said with tears flow none stop.

"I need you.." Akashi said, Hoping that Tetsuya will just miracle gonna be next to him.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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